Raz Baby - Help with Teething Issues (and super cool pacifiers too!) #BringingUpBaby

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

When Broxton was born, I was a first time mom going through so many emotions...
I had a newborn... My husband was headed to WAR... I was moving in with my parents...   I was leaving my life of 10 years and heading over 3 hours away...
You can only imagine.
Well, I did turn to people for advice ... and I did learn plenty on my own.
Blogs were great sources of opinions for me and I learned about so many products.
I know that I no longer have a baby, but I did want to share a few baby finds for you...
I will be sharing a few different posts this week, in "Bringing Up Baby!"  Hope you enjoy!

We had a hard time getting Broxton to take a pacifier (and that was totally fine by me) but there were times when I did wish I could have given him one and we would have had more peace and quiet...
One main issue I had was that whenever he would take the pacifier, he would immediately drop it (or throw it) and then that was one less to use...
There were a few times when we would go out to dinner and I would have several in the diaper bag... Just in case...  I did try different products to save me the trouble / hassle of it all.. but now that Broxton has "grown up" I have learned of a really neat product...
Raz Baby has released a pacifier that has a shield built into it...
If it is dropped, it closes... and that also means that when you are throwing some in a diaper bag, or a purse, you don't have to worry about carry cases for them, they each have the built in shield for storage! I don't know about you, but I find that so neat!!!!
Check it out below:
Pink Penguin
STUFF TO KNOW: Nipple stays clean - Closes when droppedCleaner and healthier for baby0-36 monthsBPA FreeSilicone Orthodontic NippleShield are attached to pacifier - No more lost covers!Stylish, comfortable and ultra functionalPlastic made in USAConforms to US Consumer Product Safety Commission Requirements 16CFR,Part1511Conforms to European Standard EN1400Great Baby Shower Gift
This product, I am very familiar with...
The Berry Teether.  When Broxton was teething, we tried EVERYTHING to make life a bit more bearable... It was tough at times, but we made it.  One thing that helped?  The teether was shaped like a pacifier, but we used it to let him gnaw on it and made the teething a bit easier for us all to deal with! 

Berry red teether
STUFF TO KNOW: 100% Silicone
Safe and Durable3+ MonthsBPA FreeGently massages and cools baby's tender gumsFirst hands free all silicone teetherMulti - Textures that soothe while they play for a happy teething babyCan be frozen for extra soothingInspired by nature, the ultimate teether presented in a surprising wayConforms to European Standard EN1400Great Baby Shower GiftConforms to the USA Consumer Product Safety Commission - 16 CFR, Part 1511Conforms to European Standards EN 1400

Hope this information helps you when it comes time to purchase pacifiers and/or teethers!  This would also go great in a baby gift basket!!!  Let me know if you have used either of these products!


  1. You know I don't have a baby anymore, but these products look cool. I especially like the pacifier than closes itself; I couldn't count the number of times I rinsed and washed those things!

  2. we had a few of these. I think they were new when Isaak was a baby. I got a black berry one, and a raspberry one. Then I got my sister one for Elijah.

  3. That berry teether looks good enough to eat! :) I like the intro picture, that's a fun shot. :)


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