Only 18 Weeks Till Christmas - Look at Zoob Toys! #MakingMyList @alextoys

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I don't know about your house... but around here, Broxton is always adding things to his Christmas list... I guess it is my fault..  Every-single-time you turn around, he sees something he thinks he just "has to have" and instead of listening to him ask about it, I tell him to add it to his Christmas list... Then, once it is closer to Christmas, we actually write a list and see if he remembers everything.    (Thanks to INFOMERCIALS, we always have a nice long verbal list going!)
Well, not that long ago we went to an event and saw some pretty new (to both of us) toys.  I loved watching him play with them all and I loved making mental notes as to what he really REALLY enjoyed and what he just sort of added to the list in passing...   
One toy?  Zoob Toys.  I don't really know what you would call them, as they are not "BLOCKS/BRICKS"  but they are "building items" that really let your creativity (or in my case, NON CREATIVITY) shine!
 We were lucky to get a set sent to us for review and as hard as it was.... I have hid them until Christmas!  Now, that doesn't mean that Mama hasn't played with them without Broxton...  I really didn't want to sit in the store on the floor to play with them, so this was a great time!
Their description: 

Ready, set, get creative and start building! The ZOOB Sparkle 60 Piece Kit includes fun new ZOOB colors! Everything is included to make a dolphin, elephant and even a sea turtle. Use your imagination to make your own creations.
Includes 60 pieces and easy to follow step by step instructions.
ZOOB pieces are based on a natural and living system and features pieces that snap, click or pop together in different ways, making building easy and versatile. ZOOB building sets are unique in that the pieces move after they are put together, allowing for truly interactive creations. Collect ZOOB sets for more interactive pieces!
 I was EXTREMELY LUCKY that they included 2 different books to help you out.. because sad to say, as soon as they were all dumped out - any sort of creativity I was feeling went flying out the window!
They include a BOOK ONE - that works with around 20 Zoobs or less... and then they have a BOOK TWO for those that are already familiar with the Zoobs... This works with the 60 Zoob set!  

 Once you dump them out, you are totally lost --- Well, when you are 35 and THINK you are going to totally make the most awesome creation yet...    Yeah... I am sure that all kids will be just like Broxton was when he saw them in the store and will have a blast with them!  
 In this particular set that we were sent, there are 5 basic designs / shapes of Zoobs for you to work with ...  Each shape is in its own color.  The hook like things snap over the ball shape... and the best part is that the ball is like a reversed golf ball, so the dimples on a golfball are actually little balls that are sticking OUT on here.. That allows for the hook thing to be able to stay in place in a wide variety of angles.
Yes, I am totally aware that my technical terms of "hook things" and "reverse golfballs" are NOT going to be in their next set of directions!  HA HA HA!!!!   

As I started making this, I thought it was like a dog.. but once I was finished, it looked more like a dinosaur to me!  I added legs on it and made it into a pretty neat looking caterpillar but I did not want to scare you on this!    

The ONLY draw back I have to this?
I wish it came in a storage box/bag of some sort.
I think a bag would be best than a box, that way if you have  pretty neat creation, you could always throw it in the bag, where as in a box you might have to break it apart!
I think that this would be a great toy for taking on trips...   perfect for any "down time" in a hotel and they are large enough that it would be fun to let them build creations on road trips too!

If you are like me and are already trying to somewhat plan a Christmas list...
Look into the Zoobs!   We were sent the Zoob Sparkle set, but it says that all the different Zoobs work with each other, so you can always add more to your collection!  


  1. At first, I thought it was a dog! I can see how it could be a dinosaur too though. :) We like building toys here, this one looks like a good one!

  2. How fun! I like that it's building, but different than Legos.


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