World of Reading- Marvel - Volume 1

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Boxed Set - Volume 1 
As I mentioned, Broxton is in Kindergarten now... Part of his nightly homework is for us to read a minimum of 10 minutes together.  I love this time with him and as we all know, if a kid is interested in something, they will pay more attention to it... That is one reason I let him pick out his books for us to read each night.  (There is not much worse when it comes to reading than when you have to read something that does not interest you at all!)  
Last night, he decided that he wanted to go with the Boxed Set of Marvel books.  He thought it was just one big book and he was THRILLED when he opened the box and saw that it actually has 6 books in there... I couldn't even tell him that with this set, he also gets a Marvel e-book as well!  

The books included in this set?
This is Spiderman!
This is Thor!
This is Captain America!
This is Wolverine!
This is Iron Man!
These are the X-Men!

I love the books because they are simple and will be great when he starts reading them to me. They are all Level 1 books, meaning beginner reader: Pre-K - Grade 1.  I know that these will be shown lots of love, as he loves Super Heroes and gets so excited learning about them!   I love it too, since I can honestly say I am not "Super Hero Savvy" and now I can start to be!  

This is a great set of books for any Marvel fans you might know!    You could even have them make their own super hero mask --- and come up with a name... Then let them be a superhero while you read about other ones!!!  If they are new to these characters, after you read the books, have them come up with their alter ego!  


  1. I like that they are the perfect reading level for the little ones. That's a great way to let the kinds get involved in learning more about their favorite super heroes.


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