These Are the Guardians @DisneyReads

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Now that Broxton is in Kindergarten (where did the time go?  Don't even get me started on that...) we get to start "homework!"   I am excited, as he will get to start reading to me...  We love books - if you have been here before, I am sure you know that by now.
Anyways, one of the homework assignments?
We have to read each night!
That has never been a problem for us, so now, when I get to review these books and share them with you... We also get to write it down for homework as well!
Triple Score!  

The first book that will be on our list?
Marvels' Guardians of the Galaxy: These Are The Guardians

This is a LEVEL 1 book :
Beginner Reader- Pre-K - Grade 1
Simple Text - Word Repetition

In this book, we meet the Guardians.
In the beginning, we meet Star Lord, he is the leader of the Guardians.  Throughout the book, we meet each of the other Guardians and realize that although they are all different, they are a team and work together.
This is a great book with simple words that will be great first books for early readers!  


  1. This looks like a really fun series!

  2. Isaak would like these books. I'm going to head over to the library to see what movies they have over lunch. Then pick out a few books for my boys.

  3. You know, I didn't even know this was a comic until recently. I hadn't heard of it until the movie came out!


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