26 BIG Things Small Hands Do - review

I am always looking for books for Broxton.
I am also always looking for ways to teach Broxton...
From his ABC's to his 123's.
Colors and Shapes...
and yes, Please and Thanks!

I want my son to have manners...
Sometimes with some of the kids (more along teenage line) today, you wonder what happened...
Where the manners went...

Well, I am SO LUCKY that I have been able to work with FREE SPIRIT PUBLISHING.
I will be posting reviews on several of their books in the next couple of weeks.

Have you ever heard of Free Spirit Publishing?
I had not until recently... but this is one that I will always remember!
They have more than just books for little children.
Free Spirit Publishing is a publishing company that has been working with children in meeting all of their emotional and social needs... for 27 years!
They have books for little ones teaching manners on up to teens and the stresses they face.

The first book I want to share with you is:

This is NOT your typical book teaching the ABC's with animals and what not...
I LOVE this!!!!
This book teaches you the ABC's...
But with GREAT things that you can do!
Just look:

U - Small hands Uncover beautiful things.
V - Small hands Volunteer.

See how this works?
I love it!
Besides teaching your little one about their ABC's, you are also teaching them how to make a difference. Not just today, but everyday!

I really recommend this book.
As I said, manners seem to be going out the window, with this book...
We can show them how they can make a difference!

Stay tuned to see what other great books I have to tell you about!!!!
( I have some geared for teens, so do not think it is just all toddler books!)
A huge thanks to Free Spirit Publishing for allowing me to review these great books!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I love that this book covers more than just the alphabet.

  2. I absolutely love books with alphabet themes, and I like that it's a lesson too!


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