30 - Day Blogger Challenge Day 7

Day 7 — 5 things you could not possibly live without

Why me?!
Okay, it says THINGS...
So that excludes PEOPLE...
( I would have cheated and said 1 - family 2- friends)

Five... 5

1. Happiness
2. Camera
3. Internet
4. Fluids (Water, tea, soda... I do not care... just something to drink)
5. Food... yes, I have to eat! ha ha!


  1. Good list! I would definitely have included Internet on my list, too. :)

  2. You went with the basics:) I could agree on these! I would have to add books or tv though - even more than internet.

  3. I'd have to have tv! Probably books too!

  4. I definitely agree with internet, and water for sure- for drinking & showering! lol :D


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