ThinkSMART - review

We have been reviewing the thinkSMART Wii family game and we love it!
Where was this game when we had the boys here over the summer?
I can tell you where it wasn't...
It was not here..
but I sure wish it would have been.

Marc and I played it and I was even able to get my mom to try it out while she was here visiting!
I really enjoy this game because it gets you to thinking...
I have read everywhere that over the summer, children tend to let their brains go "soft" if you will, meaning that since they are not in school, the stimulation to keep learning tends to go out the window. While we had the boys here, we had them reading, but this would have been great too!!!

Let me tell you a little about this fun game!
With the Wii thinkSMART game, you first "sign in."
At this point, you make a person for yourself...
Then you "enter" the building and pick which activity you would like to do...

They are:
Spatial Reasoning
Logic Skills

You can chose what level you would like (there are 3 levels so that everyone can play.)
When you first pick the activity you want, they even include a short demo so that you know exactly how to play it.

As I said, we really enjoyed playing it...
Also, I have heard that for adults, you should try and do activities like this all the time, to keep your brain active! Marc and I took turns playing it, including making our own person! (It keeps track of your progress... including allowing you to WIN TROPHIES for a job well done!)

I just wish we would have had this over the summer...
The boys LOVE the Wii and this would have been a fun (and shhhhh... educational game) that we could have ALL played!!!!

I will tell you one thing, this game (pictured above) was kinda hard for me to play...
With Broxton wanting to "help" me out...
You REALLY have to have a steady hand on it!
Do not say I did not warn you...
So, if you are playing this one with family and friends...
Get someone to hold the little one... you really do not need their help on this one! :)

I am so glad that we have this game now, I know that we will be playing it A.L.O.T. when the boys are here...

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. It sounds fun and I'm glad Wii makes great games that incorporate learning into fun!


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