Go on an Adventure - Dora in Wonderland

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Broxton still enjoys watching Dora and Boots and I love that he is learning Spanish while being entertained! I know that Dora is very popular among girls, but as long as he is loving it... I am too!   Actually, one of his teammates on the baseball team has a little sister that is a HUGE Dora fan - she has the backpack, the shoes and all the other things...  I think it is awesome that they incorporate educational things, such as learning Spanish, in this show... you can imagine the benefit for kids that are learning additional languages...  When they are adults, it will really help them out!!!  At least I think it will!  Well, Nickelodeon is helping you help entertain and educate your little ones!  Head out and grab the latest Dora in Wonderland DVD today, just in time for Easter Baskets and Spring Break!!!

Dora the Explorer: Dora in Wonderland! Episode Synopses: 
Dora in Wonderland! (Double-Length Episode)Join Dora and Boots on a double-length adventure through the magical, mixed-up world of Wonderland to help them catch Dora’s kitties at the Queen’s Tea Party all while watching out for the Knave of Hearts (Swiper)!
Book Explorers!
Leap into classic stories with Dora and Boots to help Peter Pan, Dorothy, and Little Red Riding Hood while finding missing objects for the library’s Story Wall. 


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