Walking With Dinosaurs - A fun way to learn!!!

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I will start this post by saying that Broxton is not as "into" dinosaurs as other kids.  He likes them and thinks they are neat,but he could not tell you all the different kinds if he had to.  That being said - the other day, he spotted Walking With Dinosaurs The Movie and decided that he really wanted to watch it. 
Now, I fell asleep after about 20 minutes or so ... I don't know if it was because I am not a dinosaur fan or what, but I did wake up a few times and he was totally in a dino-trance!  Once the movie was over, he immediately asked if I could let him watch it with his daddy...  (No, he did not get to watch it back to back!)  But - we did go to a dinosaur exhibit the next day (review to come on that one) and he had to tell EVERYONE he could that he had watched this movie and he really, really liked it.  

I have to admit, I really liked the way they did this movie... 
We get to go with Patchy and learn all about the different dinosaurs of that time period.  I liked how they introduced them all,it was educational - but in a fun story way, not boring and "teaching" if you know what I mean.  I thought it was a fun and cool way to tell about the different dinosaurs without it being boring.  I know that sounds weird since I admitted I fell asleep - but when I was awake, I thought it was pretty cool!  


  1. I like that it's not boring teaching. I wanted to see it anyway, now I want to see it more. :) lol at you falling asleep. My husband does that at every single live show for kids that we go to (and even the movie at LegoLand). I always take a picture of him snoozing because it's hilarious to me. ;)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that this film is very educational, yet not boring. I definitely think this movie would keep my grandsons' interest!

  3. Is this making its way into Broxton's Easter basket?

    We're giving our kids Nintendo DS games. One Toys R Us in our area was closing down. We got them for a great deal!


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