Walking With Dinosaurs - Now Available

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If you have any dinosaur fans in your family...
Get the movie, Walking with Dinosaurs - they will totally thank you for it!!!

The gigantic voice talents of Justin Long (Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise) and John Leguizamo (Ice Age franchise) take you on a thrilling prehistoric journey the whole family will enjoy! In a time when dinosaurs rule the Earth, the smallest of the pack — a playful Pachyrhinosaurus named Patchi — embarks on the biggest adventure of his life. As he tries to find his place in a spectacular world filled with fun-loving friends and a few dangerous foes, Patchi will discover the courage he needs to become the leader of the herd...and a hero for the ages.

The film’s run time is approximately 87 minutes and is rated PG for creature action and peril, and mild, rude humor.

Deluxe Edition 3D Combo package includes Blu-ray™, DVD, Digital HD
 Feature film in high definition, standard definition and 3D
 Blu-ray™ Exclusive Special Features:
  Ultimate Dino Guide
  Interactive Map
  Match the Call game
  Brainosaur Trivia Track
  Cretaceous Cut (the movie in its “natural” version)
  Nickelodeon Orange Carpet Dino Rap
Blu-ray™ Combo includes Blu-ray™, DVD, Digital HD
 Feature film in high definition and standard definition
 Blu-ray™ Special Features
  Ultimate Dino Guide
  Interactive Map
  Match the Call game
  Brainosaur Trivia Track
  Nickelodeon Orange Carpet Dino Rap
 Feature film in standard definition
 DVD Special Features
  Dino Files
  Match the Call game


  1. My grandsons are obsessed with dinosaurs right now. They play for hours each day on the floor with their dinosaur figurines. They would love to watch this!!

  2. I saw this in the store the other day, and thought about getting it. It looks fun!


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