Walking With Dinosaurs - Dinosaur Facts

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Walking with Dinosaurs 101 -- Educational Facts for the Family!

Dino fans of all ages will be ‘herding” to get their own copy of Walking With Dinosaurs The Movie, releasing on Blu-ray™ and DVD March 25th. This movie is known for it’s explosive visual achievements and bringing dinosaurs back to life! The gigantic voice talents of Justin Long (Alvin and the Chipmunks franchise) and John Leguizamo (Ice Age franchise) take you on a thrilling prehistoric journey the whole family will enjoy! In a time when dinosaurs rule the Earth, the smallest of the pack — a playful Pachyrhinosaurus named Patchi — embarks on the biggest adventure of his life. As he tries to find his place in a spectacular world filled with fun-loving friends and a few dangerous foes, Patchi will discover the courage he needs to become the leader of the herd...and a hero for the ages.

Did you know?

1. A stegosaurus was twice as heavy as a car, but had a brain only as big as a kitten?

2. Dinosaurs were not alone! Alphadons were small mammals, similar to possums, that roamed the earth with dinos!

3. Some believe that the Tyrannosaurus rex might have had feathers!

4. Pachyrhinosaurus (the kind of dinosaur Patchi was) means “thick nose reptile”, probably named for the pad of bone it had on its face, instead of horns or a brow!

5. Carnivores are believed to have lived to be about 30 years old, while herbivores lived even longer than that!

You can learn more facts like these when you watch Walking With Dinosaurs! Are your children learning about dinosaurs in school?  Want to teach them more? You can use our activity sheets to test your knowledge and play some fun games!

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  1. Dino facts are always interesting. Once Travis helped dig up a Plesiosaur. I learned a lot then.

  2. See, eating healthy is even better for you if you're a dino. :)

  3. Those are interesting facts I'll have to share with my oldest grandson. I didn't know the Tyrannosaurus rex might have had feathers.


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