Marvel Heroes Books for Reading Fun!

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As I mentioned before, we are still pretty new to the "World of Reading" series... but I am really enjoying the books so far!  I love how the levels mature with the kids... We were recently sent World Of Reading - This is Captain America  from Disney Books and I personally enjoyed it.  Broxton is a big fan of the Avengers - Captain America being his favorite, but I never really knew "how" Cap became who he was...    Reading this book gave us the background on Cap and we both really enjoyed it.  I know that this will be awesome for him when he starts actually reading next year.  

Up next was the World of Reading - Spidey's New Costume.  Being that we are not really "that" into Spider-man, this was rather interesting to read and hear all about the costume that might be evil!!!!  We thought it was sort of crazy and in our world, we might have questioned it... but that would not make for a good story, so Spider-man had to figure this out on his own...  We did enjoy it though!!!  (I am not sure if you noticed the cover of this, but if you notice the bottom, it says "A Marvel Reader."  Several of these books are also offered as "e-readers." )  

 The final book we were sent dealing with the Marvel characters was a Read and Play Storybook - Super Adventures.  This was a great one, as it was a padded hard book... and it had four stories included all in the book.  We ended up reading two stories each night before bed!  Broxton enjoyed this book as well, and since I am always eager to learn about the characters he enjoys, I loved them too!  I do think that the favorite book to me was Spider-man... Although I think Broxton liked Iron Man the most!   
This book has us following Spider-man on a journey as he faces off against the Green Goblin... The next story has Wolverine visiting his Sensei and having to face the Silver Samurai , Broxton's favorite was Iron Man having to use Crimson Dynamo to help himself out and defeat Crimson Dynamo and finally we have Hulk against the Abomination!!!  Talk about action packed excitement!!!!

Make sure you check them all out now, great books and perfect ways to incorporate reading into fun days!!


  1. It's so interesting that they're in book form, rather than comic form. I actually like that. Great way to keep boys interested in reading!


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