Get Movin' and Shakin' with Lisa Loeb's Latest Book! @SterlingBooks

As much as I love reading with Broxton, I do love when he is up and playing as well.
How much fun have we had "reading" the latest from Lisa Loeb?

You might remember her beautiful voice from that song, Stay.
Well, she has released a new book that comes with a CD to get you "Movin' and Shakin'!"

I opened the book and flipped through, before we put the CD on...
Several of the songs are songs that I remembered from MY childhood, so I was eager to listen!
We put the CD on while Broxton was playing in the sandbox and it wasn't long before he was over with me and not playing in the sand!!!!

Lisa Loeb's Songs for Movin' and Shakin' was thoroughly enjoyed by the both of us!
I loved listening to Father Abraham and Miss Mary Mack (take me back to being a kid right there) but he absolutely LOVED the Monster Stomp!!!! They also threw in a song to get kids to wake up. (We might be using that sometime soon!)  I also loved how they ended it with Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes!  The only thing that I am not totally in love with was the song, Going Away.  Broxton felt that the song was sad... and I do admit I loved the fast paced of the others and wish it had been replaced with something more upbeat.  The lyrics were cute, but I just wish it would have been another like the Monster Stomp!!  We had fun and I know that we will be enjoying this more during the summer when we are out playing and enjoying this beautiful weather!!!!

Lisa Loeb's beautiful voice makes it a pleasure to listen to... and the book provides great illustration and lyrics for those that might not be familiar with the songs!!!!

There are times where I send in items I have been reviewing for Broxton's class to enjoy..
This CD / Book is going to be headed that way soon!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I love when the big artists do the kid music. :)

  2. This one sounds interesting to me. I used to like her back in the day. In fact I saw her live when she played with Sarah McLachlan.


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