Nighty-Night, Sleep Tight @SterlingBooks

If you are looking for a cute bedtime book, I have just read another cute one!!!

Broxton loves for us to snuggle and read together, trying to grab as many as he can at bedtime!
The latest book we have read is Nighty-Night, Sleep Tight by Jennifer Berne.
It is from Sterling Publishing and is so cute!!!!
In Nighty-Night, Sleep Tight, we learn of such a wide variety of animals that are all preparing for sleep as well.  From the Bahama Iguana to the Scarlet Macaws...  We see each of them snuggling up and cuddling for a nice nights sleep.  The little girl reading the book is so full of imagination that she pictures herself there with each as they ready for bed....  The book ends with all the animals sending her night time kisses!
I loved the sing-song rhyming of the book.  It was cute enough to be enjoyed by little ones, but not so full of excitement to keep them awake....   The illustrations are full of colors that grabs the attention of the reader, but it isn't bright as to be distracting... It is peaceful!
We love reading this book and know it is going to be in our night time collection!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I always have babysitters tell me that my kids go to sleep so easy. I'm glad about that.


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