Over 150 Recipes - Meals In a Jar @UlyssesPress

Meal time can either be a good thing or a bad thing in our house...
Marc works weird schedules many of the days, so we never really get to have dinner with him on any type of schedule...   It also makes it a bit more difficult to try and plan anything meal wise, as who knows when he will be eating...  
We normally have dinner and then whenever Marc gets home, just just heats up his and we go on about our day...  I saw the information on Meals In a Jar and I knew that this was something that I would really love to read!
The only thing was, I was thinking it was a bit different.  I thought it was more along the lines of placing items in there and then making it when it was time... I did not realize it was more along the lines of canning...
I will say that I am still super glad that I was able to review this, as I see there are many ideas I can use...

I had actually thought that it would be fun (and maybe a bit economical) to try canning... now I see I can do so much more than just fruits/veggies!!!  Meals In a Jar has a bit of everything in it.  You start the book learning to differentiate the meals.  These are called "ready made" and there are three types:  Dry, Pressure Canned and Combined.   You also learn about Pressure canning and Water canning... I tell you, I learned so much from reading this book.  There is even a chapter in there that is titled "Ingredients, Equipment and Supplies,"  I tell you, they want to help you make the most out of your meals in a jar!!

For those already familiar with canning and dehydrating, you can just skip straight to the recipe section...
This book contains several recipes for you to try out...
Breakfast isn't just cereal in here.. you can also do omelets, bacon & eggs and more!!!! (Biscuits and Gravy anyone?  Its in here too!)  I knew that there would be recipes for soup, but they really give you quite a selection...   some with veggies, some with meat... all to make everyone reading it hungry!!!   Meals in a Jar also contains pasta dishes, main dishes, side dishes, desserts and even snacks!!!

If you are one that likes to can... or if you are interested in learning more...
I highly recommend checking out Meals In a Jar.  Reading this, with the directions that seem very easy, I am really looking forward to doing this!!!

Meals in a Jar basically has the meal ready to go... You just add water...
So for our house, if I want a salad for the night, Marc could just go grab a jar of whatever he was in the mood to eat and I could finish cooking it right then!!!   This would also add more fun (and flavor) for those that like to camp....   Or if you want to have a stockpile for preparedness.... Or if you want to take a meal to a sick friend... Or a meal to someone that just had  a baby .... Or someone that just lost a loved one...  do you see where I am going with this?  This works great for many occasions!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. My grandmother was big on canning, and my mother-in-law does it a bit. I have never tried it, but it sounds like a fun thing to do w/the kids!

  2. What a fun idea for gifts..especially for new moms..they can pull one out when they need a quick/easy meal.

  3. Those would be great to make for grandparents that have all they need already and teachers!


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