Springtime Collection Featuring Max's Chocolate Chicken #Scholastic #StorybookTreasures

If Spring is TRYING to peep out your way, or if you are ready for it to come knocking on your door, you will love the latest Storybook Treasures Collection from Scholastic!
The Springtime Collection featuring Max's Chocolate Chicken.
This is a 3 DVD set that are sure to put a smile on faces as you enjoy the show!!!

The DVD's include:
DVD ONE : Max's Chocolate Chicken ...  and More Stories by Rosemary Wells - also includes Max's Christmas, Morris's Disappearing Dog, Otto Runs for President  and Max's Christmas - Spanish Version

DVD TWO: The Red Hen ... and More Cooking Stories  - also includes Bread Comes to Life, How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food and Arnie the Doughnut

DVD THREE: Chicken Little ... and More Zany Animal Stories - also includes The Great White Man - Eating Shark, The Three Legged Cat and Dooby Dooby Moo

We have not yet had the time to enjoy this collection, but we will soon enough!
I am excited to see them, as we have never really followed Max and Ruby and I want to see what they are all about!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Looks so cute...always on the lookout for things for my grandson☺

  2. We've seen this one multiple times. My son is a big Max and Ruby fan. :)

  3. I love max. My kids are over watching this but I still sneak it in on occasion


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