I'm Impressed With @milkunleashed

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I will be the first to admit that I am always a bit skeptical about milk.   In restaurants, I worry that they have left it out... and as soon as it expires, I will not use it at home.. Maybe because I am not a big fan of just drinking milk, so I am always worried I might not know if it is safe to drink or not... 
I am lucky that Broxton loves to drink milk, so we go through it pretty regularly here...
But, when we are planning on going out of town or something, I am always hesitant to buy a new thing of milk...   I have always said I wanted to try the "shelf stable" milk... but I was always second guessing myself. What if I bought it and he hated it?  What if I bought it and it was bad?  I am good at questioning myself, if you can not tell... 
A couple of years ago, we had a really bad ICE STORM.  Of course, you can imagine the grocery stores... Out of milk, bread... you name it... it was bad...   Well, we were stocked up for the most part before the storm came... but I was sure enough worried if we were not able to get out, how was I going to get milk for Broxton? 
Image : Milk Unleashed

I was so excited to have the chance to review the shelf stable milk recently... and I was surprised at how it worked...  Basically, you have this milk and you can store it on the shelf.. (Good thing, since its "shelf stable!") It doesn't have to be refrigerated until it is opened!!!
We were sent a wide variety of it and I was surprised that we all liked it.  I will be honest, as soon as I saw "organic" on it... I was worried about Marc and Broxton liking it.  So, I just did not say anything... 

How could I not want to try it after reading this:
Since shelf safe milk does not require refrigeration until opened, single-serving cartons can be taken to school, on camping trips, to sporting events or any other adventures without worrying about spoilage.  You can freeze it the night before so it’s just the right temperature at lunch…but if you don’t get around to drinking it – no problem…put it back on the shelf (it will last 6 – 9 months). 

According to the Journal of Pediatrics, dairy and calcium intakes are inadequate in four- to 18-year-olds. In fact, only 30 percent of the US population two years of age and older get the recommended level of calcium or more.  Plus, most kids do not get enough Vitamin D, potassium and protein, either. The good news -- all of these important nutrients are found in shelf safe milk. 

I remember going on vacation with Broxton... It was hard to do because of needing to keep the milk cold...  Had I bought this shelf stable milk, we would have been good to go... Load it up in the car and no worries.   Now I know!!!  We first tried it one day just out of the blue... Broxton was not a fan, until I put it in the fridge first... then, he drank it just like it was his regular milk!  I tried another kind when we were ready to go out of town and I did not want to buy more milk.. Once again, he drank it without thinking twice!  I used it in our cereal one morning and I was not able to tell the difference... The best for me?  I like chocolate milk.. every now and then.  (Not enough to purchase to keep... and I would rather not have to make it myself.... and I tend to get a but syrup happy!)  Well, I tried the chocolate milk we were sent and I was in love! Now, I can just keep it on hand for whenever we need/want ... for drinking at home, or on the go.... and we are all set!!!!

Remember to follow Milk Unleashed on Facebook and Twitter... You can also check out the Milk Unleashed website to stay up to date on nutrition and other information.  

Have you ever had shelf stable milk?  What did you think?


  1. I almost always send the girls with water for lunch, so this was a very welcome treat for them..they were surprised and enjoyed them.

  2. That's what we drink in my country. Not everyone owns a refridgerator.

  3. My parents keep that around for the boys. They just don't drink milk like we do. It is hard at our house because Mica likes almond milk and Isaak likes cows milk. When we go anywhere I just put the different milks in thermoses.


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