Stone Soup... and Other Stories from the Asian Tradition #Scholastic #StorybookTreasures

I feel as though Scholastic has been around for as long as I can remember...
It is nice to know that a name that I loved as a kid will be a name that Broxton will learn to love as he gets older too... We have a nice collection going of the Scholastic Storybook Treasures and I love when we add more DVD's to the library!!!
A new DVD for our library is Stone Soup... and other stories from the Asian Tradition.  Not only is this new to our library, this is totally new to me, as I have never heard of this before...
After reading about it though, I am eager for Broxton and I to watch!!!!

STONE SOUP (Written and illustrated by Jon J. Muth, narrated by B.D. Wong) An inspiring story about the strength people possess when they work together.
THE FIVE CHINESE BROTHERS (By Claire Bishop, illustrated by Kurt Wiese) A unique super-natural strength saves each of five brothers from trouble in this classic story.
LON PO PO (Written and illustrated by Ed Young, narrated by B.D. Wong) The Asian version of the classic fairy tale Red Riding Hood brings lessons about strangers, trust and courage to a new generation.
THE STONECUTTER (Written and illustrated by Gerald McDermott) Tasaku is a lowly cutter of stone who longs for power.

This sounds like not only a great DVD to watch for enjoyment, I am glad that it is going to be teaching life lessons as well!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. I think this could be well received in our house. Thanks for the review!


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