Book Countdown RoundUp #ChristmasCountdown

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If you remember, we did a book countdown this year.  Each night, Broxton was able to open a new "gift" and we had a new bedtime story to read.  I wanted to list the books that we opened, but I have a question for you as well... I am going to take all the Christmas and Winter themed books and put up until next year.  If you were me, would you go ahead and wrap them with the left over wrapping paper from this year?  Or wait and wrap them all up next year?  They are just going into a storage box until we need to pull them out next Christmas season.... 
(You can click on each title to read my review on the book.)


  1. I'd wait 'cuz I'm lazy like that, but wrapping them ahead is smarter, I'm sure. :)

  2. That is a very good list. Bet I can find them all at the library :)

  3. That does sound like a good list. Mica brought home yet another Scholastic Book Fair thing. I told him that I'm not ordering him any more books until he reads some that he has, but doesn't want to read. I know he'll get into them if he tries. He only wants to read Magic Tree House, Captain Underpants and Flat Stanley. His reading level is way above them. I can't get him to pick up a different book.

  4. I love the idea of unwrapping a "new" story every night! Will start looking for some books on clearance now for next Christmas.


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