The Sparkle Box - Tradition Starts This Year #ChristmasCountdown

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We have THE PERFECT book to read to START our Christmas Countdown.  
What book is that?  It is The Sparkle Box.  
I am sad to say that I have never heard of The Sparkle Box before... But, I am so glad that I am aware of it now...

In the day and age where many people have forgotten that "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" it is nice to know that this book is out there.
Not only is The Sparkle Box a great book to read for our Christmas Countdown, this is a great reminder for us to all take a look at our selves a bit more.

The Sparkle Box is going to be a tradition that we read each year, as a friendly reminder what the season is all about... Don't get me wrong, my son knows that it is Jesus' Birthday and we go to church..... but I think this will be a great way to explain to him that although people love the presents and decorations ... feelings and traditions of Christmas, we all need to remember that Christmas is so much bigger... The "presents" don't have to be material things...  and they sure don't have to be gifts received...   some things are so much better to give!    This book tells us about a Sparkle Box... but it also includes one at the back of the book for us to participate!  Maybe you have not heard of the Sparkle Box...  Well, it is a beautiful gift that you give to celebrate the birthday of Jesus...  Inside it is full of the "gifts" we have done for others!!!!  I can honestly say I am excited about this book/tradition!  

Here is the touching story of a young boy who unknowingly participates in a powerful new Christmas tradition: honoring Jesus on His birthday by giving to others. 
Sam is so excited about Christmas! He's thinking about his Christmas list, looking forward to holiday parties, and puzzling over one very mysterious gift: a sparkly box sitting on the mantel. In the midst of the festivities, Sam and his family participate in various acts of kindness to others. On Christmas morning, when Sam finally opens the Sparkle Box, he finds only slips of paper that record the family's good deeds. Sam's mom explains that the things that they've been doing are, in fact, a gift for Jesus, for Jesus said that whatever we do for those in need, we do for Him. 


  1. I think the Sparkle Box is a great idea. I make sure to get the kids involved in helping others during the season too, so they remember why everyone is so happy...and that we should be doing all we can to help others so they feel the love of Christ through any small acts we can do. 'tis the season, and hurrah for it. :)

  2. I've never heard of the sparkle box either. Sounds like a great idea!

  3. I think it's wonderful to show children that Christmas is not just for receiving gifts. We lead by example. They are able to show kindness, and let their light for Christ show.


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