
Showing posts from February 14, 2010

Aloha Friday # 21

It is Friday... ALOHA In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. My question for you: Do you use a laptop or a desktop? Also, what brand computer? I have both a laptop and a desktop, although I use my desktop for pretty much everything... Both are DELL Computers.

Lucky Girl! Yes, I think so!

I am so very happy that I was awarded two different awards! Yep!!! I got the Sunshine Award from Happily Southern ... Thank you so much! I smile just looking at it! Side note, in high school, a friend told me I was like a ray of sunshine, always smiling... therefore, my email address is sunshine!!! The rules are: - Put the logo on your blog or within your post. - Nominate at least 12 blogs with great attitude or gratitude. - Link the nominees within your post. - Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog. - Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award. Also got the You're Going Places, Baby Award from Outnumbered 3 to 1 The requirements for this award are: - link back to the blogger who sent me this award - post where I would like to be in 10 years - pass it on to 10 awesome bloggers As to where I would like to be in 10 years... I would love to be a photographer selling my pictures. I am not saying a famous one or a...

My baby is growing up...

It is so hard to imagine... Thursday, February 18 th .... My little baby boy will be one year old! I am so happy, yet so sad... I can not believe how fast the time flew by! I mean, just the other day, he was just a sweet newborn baby... Now he is walking and getting into everything! Yes, he is a very curious little boy! He gets his first haircut tomorrow... I love being a mommy! This really is an amazing experience! Hope everyone has a great day... Happy Birthday, sweet baby boy! You will always be MY BABY! I love you, Mama's ONE YEAR OLD BIG BOY!!!!

W/W # 10

Wednesday it is! The last couple weeks have really been flying by... That works for me, because that means my sweetie will be home sooner and sooner! Until then, My W/W is my Valentine... Yes, Marc is in Afghanistan, but look what I got sent to me!!!! Talk about a very nice surprise! His response? "Just because I am not there, I was not going to let you think I forgot!" What a sweetie! On a sad note, please continue keeping my family in your prayers ... We really need them... Thanks to those of you that have already been praying. The funeral was Tuesday, now... I just hope the healing can begin for everyone... Visit sevenclowncircus and 5 minutesformom for more!

Take the time...

Yesterday, my heart broke. My cousins little 2 year old baby boy accidentally shot killed himself. I am not sure all of the details, but the gun had a safety on and all of that... That is not the point. I am posting this to ask all of you, my bloggy friends to please keep my family in your prayers. I know that this is so hard on them... Obviously our family is devastated. I mean, how do you cope with losing a child? Much less, a little sweet 2 year old baby? I know that we turn to GOD for support in this, but I know that right now, there are no words that can help console them... We can offer love and support and prayers... Prayer is what we need. My cousin is just a baby herself. She is 21 and now has to try and cope with this? She also has a 6 month old at home... Please, pray for us. We are heading back over to the family house in just a little while. But, knowing the power of prayer, I am asking, please... Pray, for all of us... Our hearts are broken. Also, please... Hug yo...