Own #Paddington 2 on Blu-ray Combo Pack & DVD on April 24, or Own It Now on Digital! #ad
This past weekend was a busy one, let me just tell you know. Savannah had a couple doctor appointments earlier in the week. Friday she had surgery to put tubes in. (Yeah, I know it is a normal procedure and super fast, but this mama was freaking out about them having to put her to sleep.) Anyways, Saturday we had Broxton's first soccer game of the season. He had a great turn out of people there to support him for game one. More on all of that later... Right now, I want to tell you what we did Saturday night. After an emotional and busy week, we decided that Saturday night was going to be a nice quiet night at home. We had just received Paddington 2 for review, so we knew what movie it was going to be... FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own ...