
Showing posts from June 10, 2012

Stop The Blood, Use BloodSTOP

Having ALL boys in this house, you can imagine the worry I deal with from time to time.. They don't sit and play... they go go go... ALL the time. You know, Broxton is a handful all on his own... but then you add in when his brothers come and there is bound to be a bit of bloodshed at some point or another...  That being said, imagine the surprise in my eyes when I got an email telling me of a new product called BLOOD STOP . Just some of the lines in the email that caught my attention: Once this 100 percent natural hemostatic agent is placed on a wound, it reacts with blood and other body fluids to form a gel that seals the wound and remains until it heals.   BloodSTOP works to control blood loss much faster than traditional methods and is easily washed off with water as the wound begins to heal. You simply cut a piece of BloodSTOP to the size of the wound you are treating and put it in place.  When it comes in contact with blood it forms a ge...

The Heroes Project for Our Heroes

Just got an email about The Heroes Project... I thought you might want to know the strength and determination of our military... Deployed and at home.... About The Heroes Project: In 2009, Tim Wayne Medvetz started The Heroes Project , a foundation dedicated to raising funds to help wounded warriors climb the world's highest peaks and find a renewed purpose in their lives. The foundation is predicated on the idea that we can make a difference and change the lives of our wounded veterans, soldiers, and their families - one soldier, one veteran, one family at a time . The Heroes Project works with the veterans, solider and military families community on all levels. Its mission is to improve the care and protection of heroes through individual support, community empowerment and systemic change. The core work of the Heroes Project includes three initiatives: Climbs for Heroes  - Under the leadership of Tim Medvetz, the Heroes Project supports clim...

Zach Rules Series From @FreeSpiritBooks : A Great Lesson To Remember

I am a big fan of Free Spirit Publishing , so I am really excited to get to share two of their newest books with you.  Free Spirit is a bit different from other Publishing Companies, they publish books that are more along the self-help route.. for parents and kids... We have reviewed books from them before and now we get to work with their Zach Rules series. We were sent two books and Broxton immediately wanted me to read them to him... He calls them the "Not Fair" books. There are two so far and they really are neat... Read their summary below:    When Zach shoves his little brother to the floor, he knows he did something wrong. Even so, it’s hard to apologize. Like any seven-year-old, Zach tries to ignore the problem, but finally, with his mom’s help, he learns the four steps to apologizing: (1) say what you did; (2) tell how it made the other person feel; (3) say what you could have done instead; (4) make it up to the person.  Zach Apologizes  teac...

Jake and Doc McStuffins News For You

A Little Disney News for you... If you have a Fan of Jake and the Never Land Pirates or Doc McStuffins you are in for a bit of good news...   Hope this makes your Wednesday even better!!!! JAKE and the Never Land Pirates News:  Have a Disney Junior Fan in your household? We have two different events that will be near us, so guess what?!  We will be taking Broxton!!!!  SO cool..... Look and see the if there is anything going on near you! Disney Junior is celebrating summer with fun, interactive events themed around the hit series "Jake and the Never Land Pirates;" May 2012's #1 cable TV series among kids 2-5 and #1 cable preschool series in women 18-49. The "Jake and the Never Land Pirates: Summer Adventures" family events will be hosted by Radio Disney at over 25 Simon Malls across 10 markets beginning  SATURDAY, JUNE 23   – SUNDAY, JULY 1 . Kids and families are invited to take part in a pirate adventure and collect gold doubloons, ...

Who Needs Beer When You Have @ecostoreusa ?

I used to keep beer around to wash my hair.  Yes, I am telling the truth!  My Nana said she would use it to rinse the buildup and to give her hair a nice shine... So, I started doing that myself.  It works, but I tell you this... I am not a fan of the smell of beer.   I also rotate the brand of shampoo and conditioner I use each time I buy a new bottle.  I was told that would keep buildup from happening, I really do not know, but I do it anyways...  I was on the site for EcoStore USA and I decided to head over to their hair care section... I saw that they had shampoo and conditioner in Pear, Honey & Almond and Cucumber.  I was eager to try them all, so I was excited to when I had the chance to review the Honey & Almond.  I was immediately WOWED by it all. First of all, I love the bottles.  They are just tall rectangles.   It works well with my little hanging system I have in the shower.  (Not to ...

Season Three Is Almost Here

Oops!  We are totally addicted to Walking Dead... Season Three is starting back in October... That is like a lifetime from now.. We are SO READY!!!! But, the other day, we swung through to see if we could see any filming... and sure enough, they were working on Episode 2 of Season 3. We could not see anything, since it was blocked off... But, we did meet the lady that plays Lori!!! Pretty cool :)

Look In A Book ... Super Why Around the World Adventures DVD

Want to know a secret?  Every time Broxton watches Super Why, I think of Scott Baio. Yep, there it is... It's out there...   Now, why do those two go together?    Because one of the first tweets I noticed from Scott Baio was  "When we have a question... We Look... In a Book" Yep, that was all it took!  But seriously now...   I do love the Cartoon, Super Why. It amazes me watching with Broxton when he is interacting with the show.   He works on his letters, his sounds and the best for me is when he gets his tools out and works on being a helper with Alpha Pig.     Well, him hammering out the letters of the alphabet is cute, I always have a big smile on my face when he makes us all put our hands in the circle and then he exclaims "SUPER READERS!" We were recently sent the newest Super Why DVD (out June 19th) and I wanted to share the details with you...  The new Super Why Around the World Adventure DVD has 3 new episodes...

Maty's All Natural Products Are Here to Help You Feel Better

I do not know about your house, but around here, when the weather starts changing, we start dealing with colds.  You know, it goes from cold to hot, then back to cold... oh, here we go, its hot again... With all the changing of temperatures, we try to keep medicines on hand to beat the blues before they beat us.   Marc is not a fan of any medicine and would rather ride it out versus get relief.  He hates medicines so much that it was nice to find Natural Medicines for Broxton.  That way, it isn't all the chemicals and what not, but a more holistic approach.   I know for me, growing up, we always had the old traditional ways of healing, you know.. the ones that were passed down from generation to generation... The old wives tales, if you know what I mean... So, when I read that Maty's was along the same lines, I knew that was what I wanted in our cabinets! First Up: Maty's All Natural Kids Cough Syrup : Our safe, all natural cough reme...

Get Your Money's Worth With @ZinePak

Fan of music?  If so..... You need to look at purchasing a 'ZinePak!!!! What is a ' ZinePak ?   From their site:   A ‘ZinePak (pronounced ZEEN -pack) is a new, fan-centric configuration of entertainment packaging designed to enhance the entertainment experience. Each ‘ZinePak is different. The format provides a richer and more compelling consumer experience than a typical “deluxe edition” release in a jewel case, digipak , or Amoray , and more customized, original editorial content than a fan magazine–giving fans up-close access to their favorite stars. ‘ZinePak blurs the line between deluxe CD/DVD releases, special-edition fan magazines and artist-branded merchandise. Each release is comprised of 60 -120 pages of original editorial content, a CD or DVD, and one or more custom merchandise items. Content and inserts vary from release to release, because each ‘ZinePak is crafted with a pa...

Help Keep People Allergy Aware With @AllerMates

We have been pretty lucky so far...  Broxton is 3 and we have not had any allergic reactions that we know of.   You see, some of our dear friends has a 5 year old that seems to be allergic to everything under the sun. Growing up, I never gave it much thought...  Then, we went to Five Guys Burger and Fries... On their front door is a sign that they have peanuts in their store... Then, you open the door and they have peanuts for you to munch on while your burger is cooked.  I thought about it then and was rather impressed that they took that extra step.  Truth be told, somewhere along the way, someone probably sued... I do not know that to be a fact, but I would think it probably happened.   Then, when our friends son was born, I became even more aware to allergies and how it impacts people... I love when you see people taking the necessary steps to be careful... That being said, I was surprised when I heard of AllerMates . Aller...

When Things Get Hot, Cool Your Little One Down With Meeno Babies Cool Mee Seat Liners

If you live anywhere that it gets hot and you have a little one, listen up.. I have news for you!!!! In Georgia, it gets pretty stinkin' hot... no... let me change that... It gets H.O.T. as anything down here...    So, when I saw that Meeno Babies had a cure for putting your little one into a hot car seat, I was all about it.   Truth be told, we received it and it wasn't that hot, so Broxton started playing with it in the house... and then before we could move it to a car seat, Marc took it over and decided to try and use it for his motorcycle. Yes, you read that right... Marc went and strapped it down to test on his motorcycle seat!   Honestly, I liked that he tried it out, since he would be more verbal about it than Broxton... So, I know you are dying to know Marcs thoughts... We had the Car Seat Cooler and he found a way to strap it down so that he could use it, but so that it would still be great for Broxton's car seat.  He...

Safer Scents With @candlewarmeretc

I have a question...  Is it to early to start Christmas Shopping?  I am thinking it is okay to start and I think I will...  But first, I wanted to tell you about something... I was on twitter and found a pretty neat website...  Have you heard of Candle Warmers ?  Well, I was thinking that this was a great gift idea...  I love candles... but when I was in college, you could not have candles in your dorm.   So, we did without.  As much as I love Glade and spraying Lysol, you know nothing compares to walking in a room that has a wonderful scent of a fresh lit candle!  Well, that is how I feel about it.   As soon as  I was out of dorm life and on my own, we had candles all the time. Then... Motherhood came along and I was terrified of having a candle with a baby.   Granted, Broxton is three now, but still...  how many of you have lit candles in reach of a toddler?  That is just some...