Moonrise Kingdom Movie Review
I am not one for movies that drag, but I stuck around this time. I knew it had an "all star cast" but for the most part, they were just supporting cast members... The real stars of the show were the two kids... I had to stay around to see the whole movie to see what would happen. The movie starts with a boy that runs away from home from his boy scout group... and then we learn that he is an orphan with his foster parents not wanting him to return home... At the same time he runs away, a girl that is always looking out the window with her binoculars also runs away... This really did drag... like really slow... but, I will say... if you can sit through a slow movie... It was kinda cute with the love story, but it really was slow. SYNOPSIS: Set on an island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, Moonrise Kingdom follows two 12-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact and run away together into the wilderness. As various authorities ...