There's a New Juice In Town...@oldorchardjuice
Broxton loves juice.. and yes, he hates water! To solve that problem, all of his juice is 25% juice and 75% water... Unless we are at a friends house and she gives him treats... (She knows who she is!) There are two main reasons I do this: One - I want him to drink water. Two - All that sugar in juice is just not that good... for anyone. I am either drinking soda or water and actually told Marc the other day that we also need to get into the habit of drinking Juice from time to time.. We recently had the chance to try out a new juice: Cranberry Naturals. I am not a plain cranberry fan... I think it is because I drank it in the past and might have gotten burnt out on it.. But, I was eager to open up the Cranberry Grape and taste it. Wow! It was delicious! I actually noticed that I was reaching for the Juice INSTEAD of the soda! I asked Marc if he would please drink the Classic Cranberry , since he needs juice too! I finished off the Cranberry Grape (with ...