Just learned of Basket of Care
If you know me, you know I help when I can... I have not worked with this company before, but when I read their story, I just had to share.. Maybe you or someone you know might benefit from it? Imagine two women touched by cancer, each on their own very similar—but separate—missions. When a mutual friend brings them together, magic happens. Carol Taylor is a breast cancer survivor. During her post treatment slump, Carol carried a basket of items that she needed around the house with her. Now in remission, she was making her own baskets for cancer patients going through the same thing she went through. Joni Aldrich is a cancer widow, author and speaker, who started her business—Basket of Care—after sending a basket to a friend who was unemployed, but needed some practical items for his upcoming cancer treatment. Now we walk the same path together. .... Let us take the worry out of this very special giving. Instead of a poinsettia or fruitcake, why not send a Basket of Care ? These bas...