5 Reasons to Teach Your Baby to Read - Guest Post
I posted before about J. Richard Gentry. Please click HERE to read more about his book . 5 Reasons to Teach Your Baby to Read By J. Richard Gentry PhD Infant and toddler brains appear to be well-suited for reading. Thousands of parents worldwide are having success teaching their babies to read using books and other fun literacy activities, games, and even multimedia reading programs. With 4 out of 10 American eight-year- olds unable to read proficiently, I encourage parents, who are children's first reading teachers, to get their young children off to a good start before they get to kindergarten. Here are five reasons to teach your baby or toddler to read. Zero to age six is when language proficiency develops in the brain. Well before your child can speak or read, she is absorbing language at a phenomenal pace. In the first year of life, her brain will triple in size; by the time she enters kindergarten, it will be almost as big as yours. It is during this critical period that ...