Goodbye Mother Bear #ittakesavillage #review
So, we didn't really put this out there... and honestly, I don't want your comments / opinions on COVID... That being said, Marc had COVID back in August... and was put in the hospital. Broxton had COVID at the same time and was home in quarantine. Broxton got well and life went back to the "normal" we are currently living in. Marc on the other hand... it was pretty bad... We had hard choices to talk about and I even reached out to the pastor at church on helping me talk to Broxton about what might be ahead of us. In the beginning, they just knew their dad had COVID, but not the severity of it all... Savannah still doesn't know. Marc was in the hospital for so long and has really come a long way. BUT - like I said, there were days... I kept saying " he is so tough and strong and stubborn... The war didn't take him out, he is NOT going to let COVID do it... " but then we would have set backs... up and down... I had an email fr...