
Showing posts from June 2, 2019

Coloring in the lines #wordlesswednesday

My little one worked so hard on this at dinner.  She did a great job, in my opinion, and she is only 3!  Maybe she will end up with artistic talent that seems to have skipped her mama!  Funny thing, way before Broxton and Savannah, LOCOS was my hang out spot in Atlanta, now as a mama, we have turned this location into one of our regular spots!   

Summer Break calls for #PawPatrol Jungle Adventures! #ad

Okay, now look at this DVD cover and tell me that they aren't the cutest!!!   We love all of those lovable pups, although I think Chase is a favorite with most kids.  Our house loves Skye and Marshall the most!   Always has..  even back when Broxton was a fan of the show!   Savannah has a few of the toys that go with the show and she loves taking them to show and tell at school  That ends up meaning that we have to binge watch Paw Patrol for a while.  I love that we have the DVD's so we can take them in the car on trips... saves on the data usage!    FTC Compliant Review Policy:    The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are  my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. Introducing  PAW Patrol: Jungle Rescues , Chase, Marshall, Rubble and the rest o...