Puppet Monsters Really ARE Fun {Review}
I know that normally when Broxton watches TV and sees an infomercial, he normally will start talking about how he "needs" whatever it is that they are trying to sell... I know he gets it honest, because if my mom and I had tons of money to blow, we would own over half of the "as seen on tv" items! When Broxton started in on wanting the Puppet Monster, I knew he was going to go on and on about it... That was why I was so excited when we had the opportunity to review a Puppet Monster on Jumpin Beans! You might not be familiar with the Puppet Monster .... They are "hats" that come with a face on it... You can buy other "accessories" to change their face whenever you want... Not to mention that the arms are interchangeable as well! The arms also have little pockets in them near the hands so that they can place their fingers in them to allow the arms/hands to move when they are playing! (The arms and the face pieces have these button type f...