Just a little rant...

So, I go to the gas station yesterday...
I park and I am getting B out of the car.

This other car HAULS... in the parking lot...
Parks (Not in a parking spot, just makes one for himself)
and follows me in.

I go to the register and I am paying...
How about he walks up to the register and then just leans on the counter..
(Side note, I HATE people in my space... Give me an arms length if I do not know you... PLEASE!)
Well, he is soclosetome...
I had to move my purse, IN FRONT OF ME to keep it from rubbing on him.

I paid and left... he paid and before I had B fastened in the car, he was flooring it out of the parking lot..

I am not sure, but I really do not think that there was anything he needed THAT bad...
But maybe so...
Either way, it really worked my nerves!

Other than that...
:) Have a great day!


  1. I always wonder why people are always in a rush and where they need to be so badly and why they haven't figured it out that rushing usually makes you even later!

  2. I find the young ones are the worst about that!


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