W/W - First Birthday

Okay, so we knew I would be posting these...
We had a good time with Broxton eating the cake.
He played for a minute... then ate some...
then went back to playing and mixing the colors of the frosting!!!
Too cute!
Talk about a messy baby!!!

Head on over to sevenclowncircus and 5minutesformom


  1. You're baby is so cute.Happy 1st birthday to your baby.I guess he enjoyed eating and playing his cake.

  2. That beginning shot? Well that is just 1st birthday BLISS!!! He's adorable!

  3. Haha! He is too cute to think that he messed up the cake. Very cool photos. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post.

  4. I love the icing on his arms.

  5. Oh my!!! They do have fun mashing up the cake, don't they?

    Happy WW to you!

  6. How adorable! Looks like a wonderful 1st birthday for little man!

  7. Now why in the world didn't he have a shirt on? You weren't expecting him to get MESSY, were you? LOL! Actually he looks pretty clean there - my kids woulda had it all in their hair, finally ending in the diaper or between the toes...

    He is a cutie!

  8. How adorable is he????

    Happy Birthday!

  9. I love the photos! I remember licking my babies when they did that lol.

    Happy birthday to your sweet!

  10. How fun! Happy Birthday!!!

  11. I'm surprised at how clean he is, but I'll bet it didn't last long! What fun and he's a cutie. Happy birthday!

  12. Awwww, happy belated birthday!!!!!

  13. There is nothing cuter than a baby clad only in his diaper eating cake. He looks like he had such a good time. Hope he got lots of great gifts.


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