aloha friday - disney

I am slowly getting back into the swing of things...

On to my Aloha Friday Question...
I want to start a DISNEY DVD library for Broxton...
Where would you recommend buying Disney DVD'S for the least amount of money?
Also, what are the "Must have's"?


As for me...
It all started when Marc wanted to talk about Toy Story, and I had to tell him I had not seen it...


  1. Let me tell ya girl, we are cleaning up in that department. You should join the Disney movie club. It has great deals and all the movies that are not stuck in the vault! We got a thing in the mail and joined but you might be able to get it off the website.

  2. Amazon? Ebay? I have no idea. I have found that Disney DVD's are expensive most anywhere. I'd concentrate on the classics and the new popular movies first but that's just me.

  3. well, I always go with garage sale and resale shops when it comes to old disney movies...but these days some rental store are giving away dvd's on a cheaper out for it!

  4. I would try Amazon used. That has worked well for me.

  5. I was about to say the same as what the person said above... join a movie club. I got a flyer for the disney movie club, too, and they have some great deals and great movies. However, I also decided to look online at Columbia House and they have a great selection of Children/Family Movies, too, that expand beyond just Disney if you don't want to be limited. Plus, it was a bit cheaper. I think I am going to try Columbia House in the near future.
    Must-Haves: Believe it or not, my 2 yr old sat and watched Snow White all the way through. I never would have thought that movie would hold the attention span of a 2 yr old. lol. Probably the Little Mermaid, too. Who doesn't love that movie? :)

  6. I have no idea where you can find the cheapest dvd's.. probably on amazon.. but i think it's a great idea to have a stock of good Disney movies or any good kids movies for your kid instead of watching all the random cartoons on TV.
    Happy dvd hunting tough!

  7. We have a place called "the game stop" they do have used movies there.
    having my first give a way. drop by.

  8. We have been collecting Disney movies since before the kids were born. Got a lot on Amazon specials, whole sale clubs, and as gifts. I have also heard a lot of good things about the Disney Movie Club. Good luck starting your collection.

  9. I agree with Casy - the Disney Movie Club is a good place to start. You can also find some good deals on eBay, too - that's where I end up getting the DVD's Princess Nagger requests. ;)

  10. My girlfriend joined the Disney Movie Club. I do find them bit pricey, but to compare with stores and in a long run it's worth it I guess.

    I would start with all the classics

  11. We also got a bunch of movies from the Disney Movie Club. I also have been trying to buy the new ones when they come out...there is usually a really good coupon.

  12. I think you can find good deals on Amazon - I like the classics (Mickey Mouse; Snow White; all those) but I find that my child actually WATCHES Toy Story and Cars. The Lion King is my all time favorite!

  13. I'm so out of the loop- I have no idea.

    Have a great day!

  14. Used ones from amazon would probably be the cheapest - you have to get Jungle Book!

  15. Flea Markets, consignment stores. :)

    Lion King, Little Mermaid and Aladdin :)

  16. try amazon first!!!must haves Cinderella Jungle Book,Mary poppins!Aloha

  17. I have been a member of The Disney Movie Club for years. You pay the regular price for your first commitment movies, but you get GREAT deals on other movies all the time. I have gotten tons of movies for me and my grandson from them:


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