Aloha Friday - sleep

It is Friday....
Know what that means...

My question is:
Do you have any pointers in helping to get a good nights sleep?

Marc is still on some other time zone...
His sleep is still a bit messed up.
Any help in getting rest is much appreciated! :)
Have a great weekend!


  1. yeah i always watch Friends on DVD (even tough i know their lines by hart)it's like a signal for my body it's time to shut down:) It kinda of works for me...

  2. Nyquil. Tylenol PM. Those are my secrets if I'm having trouble.

    You know, drugs.

    Most of the time I can't keep my eyes open by 8 pm. Those girls wear me out!

  3. Grab a glass of wine and a good book. Sometimes I have to grab some Tylenol PM. My doctor says it is safe and non-habit forming.

  4. Chamomile tea and a regular schedule seem to help.

    I just finished reading a book called "Sleep, It Does a Family Good." There's much too much information to summarize here, of course, but the book is full of practical suggestions.

  5. I'm not a great sleeper although if I can sleep late, then I get good sleep but I have a horrible time GOING to sleep so I can't help much.

    Have a good weekend!

  6. I have heard Bible reading helps


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