Bloggy Blog Desigz NEW Contest

Go ahead and enter...
You know you want to!
They did my webpage and I love it!!!!!
(Grab my NEW button while you are here!)

Bloggy Blog Designz is having a Giveaway!!! They are giving away all kinds of goodies. Plus ALL entrants will receive 20% off any purchase through the end of the month! Be sure to check out their website for more information, or to enter yourself. Take a look at their portfolio and packages to see what's right for you.
The first 5 entrants will receive a $15 giftcard. The giveaway will close on October 23rd, so be sure to have your posts done and comments left by midnight! Good Luck to everyone!


  1. So glad you entered again! You are a joy to work with!!!

  2. Oh yeah, me too, but that's with anything. I always wait until there's a sale. I mainly used Walgreens, but now I found out Walmart has it too because I go there for my medicine now. I only doing it if they have on-line ordering too, and Walmart has that too!

  3. I just had a blog makeover but still need custom page links. I just entered- I hope I win a gift card. :)


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