W/W - Pumpkin Patch

Yeah, so while all of you were posting your Pumpkin Patch Pictures...
We were trying to get a good one...
So now, FINALLY we can show you the attempt was at least made!

We went to a Pumpkin Patch in Newnan, Georgia...
We actually joined up with another group, because we wanted to go on a weekday...
It was fun, but I do feel as though it was for older children...
(Yes, Marc and I enjoyed it!)

They had "story telling", taught us about pottery, taught us about spinning wool, and a petting zoo!

Broxton LOVED the petting zoo, he wanted to pet them all..
Of course he had to say "HEY!" to every single one of them!

After TRYING to get a good one of him with the Pumpkins...
We gave up...
But hey, we went and had fun...
That is all that really matters, right?!
Happy Wednesday!!!!


  1. Oh yes. That's how it goes with picture taking. I actually got better photo's the day before Halloween then Halloween its self. Oh well. At least we try.

    Here's my WW: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2010/11/almost-wordless-wednesday-my-students.html

  2. I love how the goat just plunked down there!

  3. It looks like he had a good time. I had trouble getting a picture for our Christmas card of JDaniel.

  4. Sadly, we didn't make it to the pumpkin patch this year. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

  5. I think the pics came out really well!

  6. too cute! looks like you guys had a blast!

  7. Adorable! Does look like fun!

  8. cute photos - you know I am probably the only one who did not post a pumpkin patch picture. Next year I'll need to try and coax my teenager to pose for a couple shots :D

  9. I think you got some great action shots that showed how much he was enjoying himself!!

  10. The attempt was made :) I love the attempts while enjoying the time with him.

    Is he eating that pumpkin? just kidding :)

    Love it.

  11. You still got a lot of really fun shots! Too cute! Looks like he had a lot of fun! :)

    WW: Halloween Fun

  12. Aw, cute! My two year old went to her first pumpkin patch this year, too. You're right - a lot for a toddler to take in, but fun and ripe for picture ops anyway!

    My Wordless Wednesday is here: http://unlikelyorigins.blogspot.com/2010/11/some-autumn-serentity-on-truly-wordless.html

  13. Oh that looks like so much fun! We didn't do a pumpkin patch this year :(

  14. I give up getting good photos all the time... some kids just aren't into it. My daughter will not stay still for a very long period of time, so if I'm lucky enough to get a decent one,, I am more than happy :)


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