Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions - Book Review

You know I have talked before about all the pressure that I felt was on me while Marc was deployed...
A first time mom...
Dealing with her husband being deployed to a war zone...
(This was actually my first time dealing with him being deployed as well)

I read all sorts of books, went to the pediatrician more than I probably needed too...
Well, I think we all survived just fine...
I wish I would have had this book!

I just finished reading HELP! My Baby Came Without Instructions by Blythe Lipman.
I really liked this book because it was easy to read.
Super fast to read!
Something you can read here and there when you need it...
Yet, also it is quick to refer back to it once baby is here...

Most people have all sorts of advice coming to them...
Mom says one thing, friend says another...
Of course, you have total strangers that think they know it all...
But, when everyone is gone...
It is just you and your newborn...
You just might need a little piece of advice...

Turn to this book.
I know I said it once, but I love how easy it is to read!!!

The chapters help you know exactly where to go:

What to do when your baby won't stop crying.
Sleep time made easier
The safe, fun way to bathe your baby
The keys to successful bottle and breastfeeding
When those bubbles just won't come out
Baby's first real food
How to help baby through the teething stage
Bragging and other nonsense
The manly art of baby care
Balancing it all
Survival 101 : Learning how to care for yourself
How to create the perfect caregiver
Holiday celebrations made easier
How to keep your baby safe
Choosing the perfect preschool for your infant
Real answers from real experiences

I know I have Broxton, but I feel like I can always take tips and advice to learn for the future...
Or to share with family and friends...

The main thing from this book?
Don't place a baby in the middle of the bed to sleep...
They like to be snug and comfy...
Place in top left or right hand corner...
on their side...
use a wedge or rolled up receiving blanket to keep them on their side...
this is comforting as it keeps them close!

I also like that there is a section in this book for dads!
Overall, I think this is a great book to give, or receive!
If you are pregnant, or know someone who is...
Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions is a great book!
With only 130 pages, it is quick to read...
Bullet points for each chapter make it easy to look up what you need DURING the experience, no need to add more stress!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. These types of books can be so reassuring, especially when you're a first-time mom and it's 4am and you have a screaming baby....

    Cute review!

    -Karinya @ Unlikely Origins

  2. Sounds like a great book! I think I had the pediatrician's phone number in Speed Dial when my son was a baby! :)

  3. Great review. That would be a perfect present for first time moms. I remember how nervous I was about everything when my first one came along.

  4. I relied on books a lot when my kids were little too. I loved having them at the ready.

  5. I could have used a book like this.


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