Motherlove just Makes it Better! Review

You know how a band-aid makes all kids feel better?
Well, Motherlove Green Salve is our new bandaid!

We were sent the Green Salve for review.
Remember my picture with Broxton and his "bo-bo" when he fell in the tree?
I figured Mother Love Green Salve might work magic...
So, I put it on there and it finished healing it.
Granted, it was after it had been there for a bit and was already healing, but I feel that it sped it up.
I wish I would have tried it from the start, just to see if it would have reduced his scar any...
Mental note for next time!

We have used it to put on when his eczema starts flaring up.
Summer time is hit or miss with that...
The heat brings it out...
So, we have used it a few times.

The smell of the Green Salve is not strong...
Meaning, I have not noticed it yet, so I am guessing that there really isn't a scent!

On the Motherlove site, it states that it works to take the itch out of insect bites, bee stings and poison ivy.
Luckily for us, we have not had to deal with any of that...
Not to say that we won't...
Just not yet!

There are zero toxins and Motherlove is made with certified organic ingredients!
Motherlove carries products not only for mom...
But also for the mom to be, as well as the newborn bundle of joy!
If you are looking for a great gift for a mom to be or new mom...
Check out Motherlove!

Follow Motherlove on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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