Say Cheese with Chuck E #chuckecheese

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

So, a couple weeks ago, we had the opportunity to head to Chuck E. Cheese.
Broxton had seen the commercials about it and had been asking, so we decided to surprise him with a treat to go there.  He was so excited and was eager to take his picture in front as soon as we walked up to the building!!!!
Getting ready to head inside!  
The reason we were given the chance to go was to share with you a new app that is now available.
It is the Take a Snapshot with Chuck E. App.  You are told about it as soon as you walk in.  (No, it is not forced down your throat from the staff, but they do have advertising for it as soon as you open the door.)  The App is FREE and it is pretty neat.  Throughout the Chuck E. Cheese location that you are at, there are these "SAY CHEESE HERE" stickers.  They are about 8x10 sized, so it is not hard to miss... You simply take your picture by that sign and Chuck E. is added to your photo.  You can click to have the pose you want and then you can share with friends and family.
Time to download the new app
Broxton had been to Chuck E Cheese as a baby, so he had no recollection of it at all... As soon as we walked in, he had a HUGE smile on his face, playing all the games and riding the little rides for the kids.  He was so excited and here are a few photos to show you just how much fun he had...  Yes, he even had to stop to see the entertainment when Chuck E popped up front for a minute and of course he had to take his picture with the BIG Chuck E when he walked around greeting the customers!
Look at that HAPPY FACE
Watching the entertainment.
After all that excitement, we had to stop to eat and hydrate ourselves... Mama and Daddy were worried more about eating than Broxton, as he was eager to get back out and play more games!  I forgot to take a picture until the pizza was almost gone, but it was pretty tasty and allowed for us to go and play more before heading home versus having to leave to go grab a bite to eat!!!
Nothing like a Pizza to fill you up!
The App was easy to download and was time for "saying cheese!" The first time we took the picture, Broxton was in total AWE as to how it worked to take his picture and have Chuck E in the photo with him, since he was not near him for the picture... He was a bit confused, but totally amazed!  
The app was easily downloaded and ready to use!!!!
The picture taken with the chuck e cheese app.
If you are looking for a GREAT family night, why not head over to Chuck E Cheese?  You can have a great time playing the games... and then grab a bite to eat... All while making memories (and with the new App saving the memories as a hard copy to enjoy later!)
I know with summer coming up, you might want to be outside.. but this would be a great rainy day event... Or something to let the kids unwind if you are going on a road trip... 
Either way, have fun... and make memories with Chuck E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Kids do love those type of places! We haven't gone there. We should. Mica keeps asking to go. We've been to Amazing Pizza Machine, but not to Chuck E. Cheese. I know the kids would have a blast.

  2. All of my kids like to go to Chuck E Cheese, and the youngest one still LOVES it.

    The app is neat, and you can tell Broxton was in his element. :)

  3. I always liked their big animals that played music.

  4. Oooo, that is SO neat with the app and the "magic" photo. Broxton is adorable and I'm really glad he had such fun!

  5. I did see such a sign when I took D on his birthday. But I odn't have the smartphone. Cool app.

  6. The app is so cool! JDaniel has had his last two birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese, but we haven't tried the app yet.


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