Funny breastfeeding stories? Use a breast pump? Gift Card #Giveaway

Do you remember when you found out you were pregnant?  If you were like me, you were overwhelmed with all the products out there and you started researching to find out the best for you and your baby.  Breast Pumps, diapers, toys, clothes, lotions, baby carriers and so much more. So much to look at and learn about and it is constantly changing.  What is the "best" out there today might not even be in production a year or two down the road!
FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

You know I like to ramble, so let me move along... The registry is being made and you need to decide what is best for you.  Did you know that there are many different breast pumps out there?  You and I both know you want the best portable breast pump for you to use. Let me go ahead and throw this out there, I am not here to judge you if you breast feed or not.  I know that there are some people out there that give you the stink eye if you don't breast feed. I also know that some people try to breast feed and it doesn't work. (I also know of others that breast feed their children way past an age that I think is appropriate to be breast feeding. I am not here to judge your situation, I am here to tell you that there are options out there.)

Okay, so now that we know I am not here to judge...
Like I said, you have been thinking about breastfeeding and yes, it can be overwhelming too.  If you want more information about breastfeeding, click the link provided and it will take you to a great article over at womens health.  I know that some women try to breastfeed and have a hard time and they end up pumping and giving the baby bottles.  I know some that breastfeed and then have bottles available for others to get to help in feeding.  You need to adjust your situation to what it best for you and your baby, no one else can make that decision for you!  Do not feel overwhelmed when it comes time to think about pumping and storing the milk, there are great resources online to help you figure it out and if you look up online, I am sure you can find places in your town that have people available to help.  Ask your doctor if you need to, they can also help point you in the right direction.

Now that my younger cousin is expecting TWIN baby girls in 2017, it is time to look and see what all has changed since Broxton and Savannah were born. We all know that each year they come out with a newer product, so its time to do more research. I know it can be overwhelming, but the internet is full of great articles to help you make the best decision for you and your family. Hope this article helped let you know that it is okay, whatever you decide to do!

Now, on to the fun part.  Remember how I said no judging and the post title said there was a giveaway???  Well here you go.  Leave me a comment telling me any funny breast feeding stories you might have heard or personally dealt with.  Fill out the rafflecopter form and you are good to go!

Want to hear my "funny story?"
I was having a hard time getting Savannah to latch on at the hospital.  The nurse came in with the breast pump from the hospital to try and get some in a bottle for her.  Still, not much luck.  So, she came over to me and said you just might not have any milk yet.  At that point she lifted my boob up to try and work with it and the breast pump and milk shot ACROSS THE ROOM.  Like, hard hitting ACROSS - THE - WHOLE- ROOM!!!!! (If you can, imagine one of those water gun games at the fair where you shoot it and it makes the guy move and then you are the winner... yeah, it was like that... but with breast milk across the hospital room!)  So, do you have any stories you have heard or experienced?  Again, no judging, just here to share that we all have our own experiences in life that make up the whole picture!  Good luck on the giveaway!

“This giveaway is a partnership with Nakturnal, with a prize of a gift certificate”
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Funniest story? I have a four, maybe more.

    This one was with Mica. I was busy, and got full. My aunt pulled up. I knew I needed to pump in the worst way, but she was there at the door. I just answered as is. I had milk in 2 circles on my shirt. I said, "Here hold a baby. I have to go pump." LOL

    With Isaak I was pumping at work. I had to use someone else's office. Mine has no door. I spilled my milk all covered books, and was everywhere. I quickly cleaned up!

    I also was pumping in a different office. I had a sign on the door that the office was occupied, and not to come in. Well an admission rep started to walk in with a tour behind her. I swear she didn't talk to me for a week because she was so embarrassed. After that I got a door stopper, and put it in the opposite way to prevent people from coming in, while I was pumping.

    I started to leak at work. I didn't know what to do. I had no change of shirt. I pumped, put on a lab coat, and walked out into the classroom. My co-worker said, "Are you getting ready for an art demo?" I said, "Ya you could say something like that." I grabbed the blow dryer to dry my shirt.

    Sometimes being a working mom that pumped for 4 years (2 years for each kid) wasn't so easy.

  2. I exclusively breastfed. I recommend becoming educated by reading books and taking a breastfeeding class. Also, do not use pacifiers which can hurt your supply.

  3. I know someone that does but I don't know any funny stories!

  4. I breastfed all 3 of my kiddos for 3 weeks each! i tried , but i had barely any milk come in. i wish i could of breastfed longer!

  5. of my friends works in a really mom friendly office where they have a pumping/feeding room. Apparently at the time she was one of the only ladies needing that area and she assumed she was safe and beings it was during the workday no one would bother her. The janitor assumed no one was in there and walked right in on her.

  6. Pretty much every mom I know breast feeds, or at least tried to as much as much as was possible.

  7. I don't have any experience with breast feeding but my sister has breast fed her 4 kids. Her last which is 1mth old is not being breast fed. She found a portable pump she wanted on eBay then sent me the link to order for her. After she received it she sent me pics of how her something wouldn't work with the pump and wanted to know how she could rig it to work. I didn't have a clue what she was taking about so no help from me. See I don't know much about it and pumps.

  8. I breastfed until I developed appendicitis and had to be on antibiotics that ruined my milk supply.

  9. I don't have any experience breast feeding but my wife breast fed all of our three children with no problems.

  10. We always play peek a boob in public. No shame hahaha.

  11. I tandem nursed, attended nurse ins and truly believe that breast is best.

  12. I have not breastfed, but my friends have breastfed and bottle fed.

  13. My daughter in law pumped the longest of anyone in the family. I breastfed until they got teeth. ;)

  14. Oh and Happy New Year! That's why I swung over. :)

  15. I don't have any funny nursing stories but I had a baby last year at almost 45 years old. He's my third and was pleasantly surprised to find my breasts still "worked". I did need to supplement him as he lost a lot of weight in the first few days and my milk wasn't coming in quickly enough but.... a year later he's still nursing.

  16. I breastfed both of my babies. My funny story is that whenever I nursed my youngest my oldest would sit next to me and nurse her teddy bear. She would then chat about how nice our babies were growing, lol

  17. I breastfed both children. I just gave up trying to cover the fact that I leaked all over even with the pads or thick bras lol. It just became a part of life

  18. I have breastfed 2 babies...currently still for 2nd daughter. No really funny stories...I've has my fair share of embarrassing "leaks"!

  19. I did with my second child. I wish I would have with my first. The bond it creates is amazing.

  20. I breastfed twins. It helps to keep them on the same schedule and breastfeed at the same time with a boppy to help prop them both up!

  21. I wish I had breastfed but with my first two I had to go back to work within 5 days of my son being born an 2 weeks of my daughter being born so I really couldn't. My youngest was in the nicu for a few weeks when he was born so it was impossible. I stayed with my older kids during the day and when my husband came home from work I would spend the night at the nicu.

  22. I've breastfed both my soms, still breastfeeding the younger one. He loves doing gymnastics while he's nursing... drives me nuts! I just want him to focus lol

  23. I haven't had the opportunity yet, but I want to try. My mother tried with her first two, but didn't produce enough milk. We were all bottle fed babies.

  24. I have never breast fed before but most of my friends have. Several of my friends swear by the cookies that increase your milk supply.

  25. I breastfed all my kids, and currently am for my baby as well. When my son was younger and nursing I got asked to come in earlier than planned for a job interview. I told them I didn't have a sitter last minute, but the guy told me to bring my son anyways. During the interview my son wanted to nurse, and pulled my shirt up in front of the guy interviewing me! LOL DamianMom at yahoo dot com

  26. I breast fed my son til he was 19 mo old. He was never gonna wean himself so I had to stop him cold turkey. I think it was harder on me

  27. I tried to breast feed but my son couldn't latch. Trisha Burgess

  28. I breast fed both of my daughters.

  29. I breastfed both my babies with their feet in my face the whole time!

  30. I always had problems letting my milk down. I would pump the one side while the baby nurses on the other. It help with the milk flow.

  31. I am getting ready for round three! I have a 2 and 4 year old. We're do with our third boy this May! Back to pumping and diapers we go (:

  32. I tried to, but my daughter was not latching good

  33. I breast fed my first daughter until she was one and tried with my twins but did not produce enough milk so had to supplement with formula and eventually went with all formula.

  34. I have breastfed (unsuccessfully), but my SIL/sister have done so with all their children.

  35. I know someone who is right now, never did myself. Thanks for the chance!

  36. I don't know anyone whose breastfed, however, we do have a lot of moms in my story time that do. No funny stories or tips though. Thank you for the chance. :-)

  37. i breastfed my daughter. no funny stories bc it was so difficult every single day but i highly recommend the experience. id do it all over again. its very important to have a good support system and to do whats right for you no matter what others think

  38. My sisters both breast fed. Sometimes it's funny when they spit up at an odd time.

  39. I breastfed and I wasn't expecting it to be so much work or so painful! I was expecting this magical, wonderful bonding experience. It took me several weeks to get past the pain and work of figuring out what I was doing, getting proper latch, etc.

  40. I breast fed all 4 of my kids as long as I could. My sister is currently bf her daughter

  41. I loved that I got to breastfeed my children. I hope for more.

  42. I have yet to know anyone personally who has breast fed, although that is what I wish to do with my little ones.

  43. I have breastfed all four of my kids and sometimes miss those days!

  44. I breastfed but it wasn't always easy best advice is to go with what's best for both you and your little one!

  45. I breastfed both boys -- no funny stories, it was pretty mundane.

  46. stephanie scales campbellJanuary 8, 2017 at 10:00 PM

    Never myself but have known people who have.

  47. I was never able to even with the help of a feeding coach.

  48. Nope I never did. I've known people who tried it, but didn't keep up with it. Anonymous is the only way it would let me post. Dena S.

  49. I breastfed my youngest child, best tip I can give is to keep trying, sometimes they don't take to it right away, but eventually their instincts will kick in :)


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