Can you have Too Many Carrots? #BookReview

Are you looking for a book for Easter?  We have a cute book that we are reading right now.  Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson is what I am talking about.  I will say, I was about to say I didn't like it, until I finished it.  It is a book with a great message!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

Too Many Carrots follows Rabbit as he collects carrots.  He just LOVES them and feels that he can not get enough of them.  He is a bit of a hoarder... It eventually leads to him not having room to live in his own place.  Lucky for him, he has great friends that want to help him out and each offers for him to stay there.  The problem is this, Rabbit is a bit selfish and takes all of his carrots with him, ending in destruction of each of his friends place to live.  You will need to read the book to see what ends up happening, but like I said, the story has a great message and I ended up loving it.  
(You should have seen me in the beginning, I was not a fan of Rabbit and was really hoping one of his friends would put him in his place, but they were better than I think I would have been in the situation.)  Too Many Carrots is a great book to read with your kids any time of the year!  


  1. Carrots are one thing I can't eat right now. Blah! I like them. They are on the list for my no can eat due to allergies. I can eat them I think in the summer. Just not in the spring.

  2. You can't have too many carrots. I love them too. Of course, I wouldn't take my carrots with me to my friends' homes, lol. The book sounds like one I'd like to get. I like a good twist to a storyline. :)

  3. Interesting, I can see how it's teaching a good message and using carrots in place of ' stuff'. And eating too many carrots will turn you orange lol.

  4. I think my daughter would enjoy this one. She LOVES carrots!


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