Family Fun with The #Bumblebee Movie and #Hasbro Toys! #Ad #Giveaway

Last week we had Spring Break and unfortunately we did not get to go anywhere.  I hate that, but I was able to make the most out of it... We had a fun day where we went to the Fun Park and played putt putt, bowled, played laser tag and even some arcade games.  Another night was family movie night and I was so happy to be able to show them BUMBLEBEE.  We have been John Cena fans for a while (thanks WWE!)  so it was already exciting not even mentioning the whole TRANSFORMERS part of it all. The last exciting thing we did?  We had a fun night playing with the toys that went with the movie that Hasbro has released!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
In the film, CYBERTRON has fallen. When OPTIMUS PRIME sends BUMBLEBEEto defend Earth, his journey to become a hero begins. Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld), a teenager trying to find her place in the world, discovers and repairs the battle-scarred robot, who’s disguised as a Volkswagen Beetle. As the DECEPTICONS hunt down the surviving AUTOBOTS with the help of a secret agency led by Agent Burns (John Cena), BUMBLEBEE and Charlie team up to protect the world in an action-packed adventure that’s fun for the whole family. 
Of course, the main hit were the transformers!   Broxton and Savannah loved both of them!  I can't lie, it took me a few minutes to figure it out, but once I did... There was no stopping us!   Savannah (age 3) can't make it transform from car to robot, but she knows to bring it to me and I will do it for her.  

 DJ Bumblee was my absolute favorite!  (Head to my instagram page to see a little video I shared with  you all!) It is so fun and the kids and I have had a blast playing with it! 

Of course, the Stinger/Blaster was a favorite of Broxton's!  He loved it, but I will tell you it took me a bit to make it blast.  I thought it was a bit tough to get it to shoot, but I actually liked it so that little ones would not be able to do it as easy!  

From Robot to Car.  

From Robot to Car. 

The kids and I have had so much fun playing with these toys and they have already asked to watch the movie again.  (I really did too!)  I am not sure if it is Spring Break your way... but if it is, you could grab the movie and some toys and spread it out over a few days like we did.  (You could also do a BUMBLEBEE themed Easter Basket or Birthday Gift Basket.  I love the toys and with them being from HASBRO, I know they are great quality and will be played with for some time!  

Would you like to win a copy of the movie?
Just enter below! 


  1. My son and daughter both are huge Transformers fans. They really would love to see this.

  2. My grandson is a huge transformers fan an d he liked Bumblebee the most.

  3. Yes my boys like the movies. They have talked about Bumblebee the most.

  4. Yes we are fans, favorite is Bumblebee.

  5. We love these movies!


  6. I watched the transformers with my baby brother before we would head to school. I love the movies as an adult. They are full of action and so funny.

  7. Oh we love the transformers. So excited to see this one! My favorite is Optimus Prime!

  8. Optimus Prime was always my favorite transformer. I am excited to see the bumblebee movie. It reminds me alot fo the transformer tv show that I remember as a kid.

  9. My sons like TRANSFORMERS. I am a fan of Michael Bay.

  10. My son loves transformers, I know he would love this movie since Bumblebee is his favorite!

  11. We love Transformers. My husband actually collects Bumblebee items.

  12. My husband and son love Transformers, their favorite was The Last Knight.

  13. I am a huge fan of the Transformers movies but when I saw Bumblebee it was so incredible that it just blew all the other movies out of the water. I would love to own this movie so I can watch it over and over!

  14. Our family loves transformers. My husband still has his original ones from when he was a kid and his favorite is optimus prime. My kids love bumblebee. We havent seen this one yet but really want tk.

  15. I'm a big Transformers fan! Optimus Prime is my favorite!

  16. We have always loved the Transformers. Bumblebee has always been our favorite.

  17. Yes I am a fan. I like the Transformers: Age of Extinction movie, my favorite character is Mark Walhberg lol, jk Bumblee bee.

  18. I am a fan of transformers, I even have a transformers tattoo. I love bumblebee.

  19. My family is a big fan of Transformers! The 1st movie was our favorite! We adore Bumblebee.

  20. I love Transformers. I have a hard time choosing between Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.

  21. I love Transformers & so do my kids Optius Prime is my favorite but you can never go wrong with Bumblebee either

  22. i'm not a huge transformer fan, but my kids are. Optimus Prime is a favorite for them.

  23. My boys have seen all of the Transformers movies. I only saw the first one.

  24. I really liked the first couple of movies with Shia. My dad would love this one.

    -Lauren Becker

  25. We are all huge Transformers fans!I have been since I was a child and my kids love the movies!

  26. I am a fan and optimus prime is a favorite

  27. My kids are big Transformers fans. Me......not so much. They love Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.

  28. My family loves Transformers. I use to watch them as a kid and now my kids watch them. Our favorite has to be Optimus Prime.

  29. We love Transformers in our house! My favorite is Optimus Prime.

  30. I'm a fan of Transformers and I like the first one. I like Bumblebee.

  31. I love transformers! bumble bee is my favorite

  32. Yes, we are fans of Transformers. Our favorite is Optimus Prime.

  33. yep, been a fan since the 80's when i would run home from school to catch the toon on my tv.

  34. We are Transformers fans and our favorite is Megatron.

  35. We love Transformers love Optimus Prime

  36. I'm not a huge fan. My husband and son love Transformers though! :)

  37. We love transformers. Our favorite is Optimus Prime!

  38. My nephew loves them but the only one I can even name is Optimus Prime. I guess he's the popular one?

  39. I am a fan of Transformers, and I like the first one the best.

  40. My kids love transformers! Optimus Prime is a fav!

  41. We are fans of transformers but haven't seen this yet. We would love to. Thank you.

  42. My husband and son love transformers? They would love this .


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