Goodbye Mother Bear #ittakesavillage #review

So, we didn't really put this out there... and honestly, I don't want your comments / opinions on COVID... That being said, Marc had COVID back in August... and was put in the hospital.  Broxton had COVID at the same time and was home in quarantine.  Broxton got well and life went back to the "normal" we are currently living in.  Marc on the other hand... it was pretty bad...    We had hard choices to talk about and I even reached out to the pastor at church on helping me talk to Broxton about what might be ahead of us.  In the beginning, they just knew their dad had COVID, but not the severity of it all... Savannah still doesn't know.  Marc was in the hospital for so long and has really come a long way.  BUT - like I said, there were days... I kept saying " he is so tough and strong and stubborn... The war didn't take him out, he is NOT going to let COVID do it... " but then we would have set backs... up and down...   
I had an email from Adam Searle. He had written a book " GOODBYE MOTHER BEAR" and it was the perfect timing of it all.  Yes!  I wanted to review it!   

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Synopsis of ‘Goodbye Mother Bear’ by Adam D Searle:

Set in the quiet village of Woodland Green, young readers are introduced to vulnerable bear cub, Faraday, and his friends. This is a timeless story. “It can be hard sometimes to say goodbye. Especially if you never see that person again,” grieves Faraday who has suffered a devastating loss and the young cub is feeling lost and sad.

With the help of his friends, he finds ways to navigate grief. With wonderfully warm illustrations by Ian R. Ward, this is a truly tender and uplifting tale. ‘Goodbye Mother Bear’ aims to help children come to terms with the loss of someone special in this charming picture book that tells of handling loss of a loved one, the kindness of others and indeed the importance of friendship during such sorrowful times.

So, the book came and I read it to Savannah.  We talked about how it is hard to say goodbye, but sometimes you don't even get to say it.  We talked about how the kids in here were trying to be good friends to Faraday (the main character who is dealing with the passing of his mom) and while he didn't mean it, he was getting upset with them.  This was a great book showing how people go through emotions and also shows the friends being there, while not always knowing what to say or do.  I thought it was a great book and I am SO THANKFUL that Marc is doing well now and we never had to have this talk.  I am glad that Adam took the time to write a book like this to help others going through this situation.  

Life is tough, childhood is tough, parenting is tough.  I always say, "It takes a village" and that doesn't necessarily mean the village right here around you... maybe, just maybe it takes villagers as far as the UK to help!  


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