Don't Go To School - #RaisingaReader

 Do you remember the first day of school drop off for your little one?  I do!  With Broxton, I was so blessed to know his teacher from church, so that helped.. but man I bawled when I got in the car!  Same thing for Savannah, it isn't like it gets any easier... The book, Don't Go To School takes a new spin on things when it is the mama being upset not wanting the little one to go to school.  Cute book that Savannah and I loved. So make sure to grab it for you and your little ones to enjoy!

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


DON’T GO TO SCHOOL!... introduces us to Benno, an adorable little bear who is super excited about his first day of school. He’s wearing a new outfit, has eaten a hearty breakfast, and is absolutely raring to go. There’s just one problem—Benno’s mommy begs him not to go to school. She wails, sulks, acts shy, and even throws a tantrum!

Will Benno find a way to convince Mommy that everything will be okay?

DON’T GO TO SCHOOL!’s unique role-reversal plot will reassure and delight children nervous about their first day of school. Kids will love the laugh-out-loud twist on a familiar theme while parents feeling a little teary-eyed to see their babies grow up and away will empathize with Mommy.

Author Máire Zepf’s debut children’s novel, the time-travelling thriller Tubaiste Ar An Titanic (Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2012), was short-listed for Gradam Réics Carló, the Irish-language children’s book of the year award. Don’t Go to School! is her first picture book.

Tarsila Krüse is a Dublin-based illustrator whose art has been featured in magazines, advertising, posters, exhibitions, and fanzines.


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