I got a new award!

So, I am just getting back to the blogging thing...
Been a bit nuts around here lately, but hopefully, things will be back to normal soon.
Remember, I was sick for a few weeks, then Broxton got it...
Well, Broxton FINALLY got over it, but that nasty bug has snuck back up on us!
So, here we are again...

But, I am so happy that I got this award!
My sweet blogger buddy, Lorie gave it to me...
Go and check her out...
Also, if you would, please keep her and her family in your prayers...
Her son, Nikolaus, is getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan...

I would love to pass it along, to ALL of my wonderful blogger buddies!
You know who you are!

I will post again soon, need to go work on laundry!

Oh yeah, quick question, why is it when babies teethe, they get sick?


  1. Oh, I don't know why they get sick. Emily didn't have any problems. Sarah got a fever and diarheaa every tooth. Just rest assured that they can only get so many teeth. Then it's over. And on to something else!

  2. Congrats on your new award! Sorry to hear ya'll got sick.

  3. You certainly deserved the award, you are always so wonderful and sweet.
    Thank you so much for your kind words for Nikolaus. You know that my heart and prayers are always with Mark.
    Hope you all feel better soon!


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