Aloha Friday - # 60

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too.

My question this week:

Do you have any family currently in the military or anyone who has ever been in the military?

My answer:
Yes! My husband is National Guard!
(Can you tell I am proud of him?)


  1. My dad was in the AF and my hubby's cousin is in the military right now.

  2. No. I don't have any family members currently serving. A few of my cousins and uncles have served before.

  3. I have some cousins in the military right now. My grandpas fought in WWII, my dad fought in Vietnam, my husband fought in Iraq. Hubby got out of the military a few years ago.

  4. Dear Noelle's Hubby,

    Your loving wife is very proud of you.


  5. My sister and brother in-law are in the reserves. They love it.

  6. My brother-in-law is currently stationed over in Quatar. MY father-in-law is retired air force.

  7. My father and uncle were militars.

    Have a good day

  8. Both my grandfathers and various uncles and cousins are military - and my best friend has been in the Navy Reserves forever. :)

    Aloha Follow: Goody Bags

  9. Hubby and I where both in the military during the 1970's-1990's. Now retired. My brother, hubby's brother, my uncles, hubbys uncles where all in the military through out the WW2-til 1970's Vietnam era.
    My Friday question for you
    Oh BTW my daughter Lyd, said you didn't know she was attached to me. Oh she doesn't call me Auntie E, lol. She likes visiting your site.

  10. My father in law was in the AF, my grandpa was in the AF too I think...I have a lot of friends currently in the second cousin was in the marines, he passed away in Iraq

  11. My husband is in military too, but in Spain.

  12. My father served in WWII.

    Have a great Friday!

  13. Two grandfathers, my uncle and father were all in various sections of the military, one of my grandfathers was still enlisted when he passed away in fact, stationed in Germany where he met his second wife.

  14. Yes. We have a few. A couple of my cousins are in the Army. My uncle is retired from the Navy. My brother in law is in the Air Force. We pretty much have about all the branches covered.

  15. My Father in law was in the Army. now most of his sons are in the military in some way.
    Two BIL in the navy.
    Another BIL in training to go in the Army
    Another BIL in the National Guard.
    SIL in the navy
    Seriously we have alot of family in the military right now.
    Yes I am very proud of them. :)

  16. Lots of family that have been in the military over the years. Right now I have cousins that are in the Israeli Army.

  17. Go him! (And you, for supporting him, obviously!)

    My dad was in the Air Force (then later Air National Guard) and my soon-to-be husband is a former Army Reserve/Military Police!

    We both just wrote about it here:

  18. My father served in the Philippine Army.
    Hubby served 23 years for the US Army! Retired in 2008.

  19. Not currently...but you have good reason to be proud of your brother.

  20. I have friends in the military but not family. My dad was in Vietnam and some of my uncles served in various branches.

  21. Hi Noelle! Just stopping by to check your blog out too. Following you via GFC and networked blogs. Trying to help ya out... ;)

    I see lots of fun giveaways - I'll be back to enter some!

    Oh and my brother was in the Marine reserves and I have a cousin in the Army reserves!

    Tamara from
    a southerner, a yankee and a mixed breed (or two!)

  22. Not anyone currently in the military. My one grandfather and both of my husband's grandfathers were in the military (WWII) and my husband's father was also in the military (Vietnam).

  23. When I was 6 my brother went into the military. It was one of the saddest days of my life when he left. He joined the army and was in it for 4 years and then got out. A great experience for him. I 100% support our armed forces!!!


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