Happy Feet equals Happy ME - Review

I do not know how many of you watch Jersey Shore...
but I will admit, I do from time to time.
I do not really have an answer as to why, and believe me...
Marc asks ALL THE TIME why I am watching it...
I will tell you this though.

Snooki wears some pretty comfortable looking Slippers...
So, I had to see what that was all about!

Enter - Happy Feet!

I had such a fun time looking at all the slippers that they carry!
The Snooki slippers were leopard print... Not my cup of tea... but totally Snooki!
They have cute slippers that look like big fat tennis shoes!
They have slippers that look like all sorts of animals!
Being a die - hard Georgia Bulldog Fan, I of course had to look at all the College slippers!!!!
They have so many teams to choose from!

Now, I think they are cute and fun...
But how do they feel?

They are so comfortable!
They are nice and fat... Plushy and soft!
The shoe strings are decorative, so no worries on that..
You just slip them on and go!
It is like you are walking on these jumbo sized cushions!
They also keep your feet nice and warm!
Even though Marc isn't a bulldog fan, he did like the way his feet stayed warm and cozy in the slippers!
For around $25 a pair...
This is an awesome gift!!!!

So, Wouldn't It Be Nice... Under The Tree... for someone you love?!
Happy Feet Slippers would be awesome for everyone, especially college kids in the dorms!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


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