How do you floss? BrytonPick Review

My mom carries a little string of dental floss with her at all times.
We keep those pre-flossed toothpick things at home.
Recently we were able to review the BrytonPick Flosser.

I was a bit unsure at first, being that it was a thin piece of steel that I would be using.
Well, I of course had to try it...
It worked, after the initial nervousness wore off.
I mean, a little piece of steel?
Wouldn't it cut me?
Not if you are careful!

I like that it is so small and that it comes with its own carry case!
Also, it is reusable, so it lasts for 30 days...
Less trash!
Oh... and talk about a great item for anyone you know with braces!
Take it from me...

You can not floss with braces...
Now you can!!!
Check it out...
Go ahead and get a few for your whole house!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I usually use the plastic picks with the floss on one end and the pick on the other. These look so much better because they look like they can get into much tighter places and take up a lot less space. Not to mention so much less waste, like you said.
    What a great idea for soldiers who can't carry a lot of dental floss with them.
    Thanks for a great review and for letting me know about these.


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