W/W - snow and ice

If you did not know this...
Atlanta is under ICE...
I blogged with fun pics of us playing when it was snow...
Now ice = NOT FUN!!!!
This was hanging right over our door, so I had Marc break it off...
Wow, would have hated for it to have fallen on someone!
What's the weather like where you are?


  1. Not fun! I used to live there. I imagine everything is shut down. I now live in Omaha, Nebraska. Snow, snow and more snow. 12 inches of it. School has been out for 2 days.

    My WW is here: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2011/01/wordless-wednesday-mickey-mouse.html

  2. Cold and snowy here in Michigan, I don't go out in ice even here. Snow maybe but driving on ice is something I loathe!

  3. We have about 4 inches of snow and I live on 20 acres out in the Kansas countryside, so we have to clear our own driveaway that is 1/4 mile long. My husband's truck has 4 wheel drive, but my minivan is pathetic in snow. Josh's tractor that he depends on to clear our drive way won't start! So....I am stuck here...till it melts....yay

  4. Ice is scary! We're getting snow! Lots of it! School closed for tomorrow so far!

  5. We're in for 16+ inches tonight. I'll agree no fun!

  6. very clever. We had some snow fall today and we need a snowblower but I'm not sure how much we got. We usually get pretty iceicles on our owning.

  7. Still sunny and forever will be!! The weather is getting warmer these days after the monsoon season and we're expecting a heat wave. Ughh!!!

    Have a nice day, Noelle!

  8. I am so ready for spring. I have lived in WI all my life & still do not like winter. I try & stay off the roads when the weather is nasty, and my state is suppose to be ready for mother natures events, LOL! Ice is the worst, esp black ice, you really can not see it & you have a hard time controlling anything once you hit it. Glad your hubby is okay after his accident. We get some really long icicles having a 2 story house... yea, you don't want to walk under them, Ouch!
    Stay safe!

  9. we are in NW GA and we got 9 inches of snow here. Some melted today but it is all solid ice now on top of the snow. Not a good combo here in the south as you know I am sure.

  10. That looks horrible! Glad Marc took it down. We are hoping the temperature goes above 34 today so it will start to melt.

  11. I must admit I love the snow, but when it turns to ice it becomes a pain. It is no fun falling on your butt. And even worse black ice, which has caught me out a few time back home in Scotland...

  12. I'm in Ohio we have lots of snow right now and it just keeps coming down! I hate it!

  13. Sometimes its hard to see the beauty in winter when it also seems so dangerous. My work does not close very quickly and makes snow seem more like a big hastle than a beautiful event. Ice is even more dangerous! Stay warm and safe. I getting ready to go shovel the snow and check to see if our office is still opening late ugghh... At least my boys will be home snug :)

  14. I'm in S. Florida so it's nice. A little chilly today nothing like the chill effecting most places though.
    Thanks for linking up

  15. I used to love to suck on those when I was a little girl! There was probably so much dirt inside! LOL

  16. It was 14+ inches around noon but it has been snowing ever since and still snowing now....although it seems to have slowed down some. I have just relocated to New Hampshire from Louisiana and all of the buildings around here have "Caution: Falling Ice and Snow" signs because of icicles like that one. Quite a change for this bayou girl! Great photo! Candace

  17. Snowy and cold here in Illinois. Love your icicle pic. Glad no one was clobbered!

  18. I am so tired of the snow already. Spring needs to come now!

  19. Snow is fun, ice is icky. Awesome Icicle pic though!

  20. I remember the ice when I was younger... NOT fun to drive on. That photo is awesome. Like BV, I used to suck on those as a kid, too, and look at the two of us, we turned out OK! Hey, no comments from the Peanut Gallery. Today's kids don't get to "live" like we did.
    We are a little warmer than we were the last couple of days, but still too cold for my liking. I want SPRING!!

  21. We had huge icicles hang in off of our house last year. The Dudes kept picking them off and trying to save them inside. Every time I opened my freezer one would fall out! They look pretty but I do not like the cold required to produce them! Thanks for sharing Worsful Wednesday with us!


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