Aloha Friday # 71

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too.

Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

I seriously can not believe that I never thought about this question before..
As it drives me NUTS...

My question:
Are you good at folding the "fitted" sheet?

My answer:
NO. I can not get it folded right... Ever.
It drives me NUTS. If you think you are good at it, I would LOVE any suggestions as to how to do it.
I have tried and tried. Unfolded and refolded... I just can not figure it out!

Aloha Everyone!
Happy Weekend!


  1. I can NEVER get this sheet folded! It is so aggrivating! I'm right there with ya!

  2. I do not even try to fold them anymore they go in a basket at the bottom of my linen closet..

  3. Oh, I am so terrible at it....and the perfectionist in me just screams. LOL

    Great question!

  4. I, too, am terrible at folding the fitted sheets! I've even tried the Martha Stewart way but can't get it right!

  5. Yes. My mom taught me how when I was younger. However, to this day my brother can't fold any type of sheet. His idea of folding sheets, is to fold it in half and roll it up. His linen closet is a mess...

  6. I can never get it right either even after watching this video a hundred times -

  7. No, folding that sucker just becomes a huge annoyance here. My MIL does it perfectly - using an iron. That will never happen here.

  8. No, I can't fold a fitted sheet. It drives me nuts, too.

    Have a nice weekend!

  9. I have never been able to fold them right. I watched Martha Stewart explain it once and never really got it.

  10. LOL! I can never seem to master folding of the fitted sheet! :)

    Aloha: Where Do You Blog?

  11. I can't fold it right, but my grandma can. I will have to ask her what her secret is. :)

  12. Nope. My husband is great at it though, but I can never ever get his technique down

  13. I do fold it. I fold it in half. After that, I fold the uneven edges towards the center, then fold it again in half. it becomes a rectangle and it's easy to fold from there. It's not always perfect, but you know what, it's better than rolling it and then it won't fit in the drawers (where I keep them when not in use)

  14. I try... but that doesn't work out always!!

  15. Yes, I learned how a long time ago.

  16. I stink at it! Thank goodness hubby has longs arms and folds perfect :)

    Have a great day!

  17. No, I gave up on that. I just roll them in a little roll and stuff them into a drawer.

  18. I just fold it like a normal sheet.

    I saw a video how to do it, but it's too complicated. I'd only learn it if I'm working in a hotel. until then. no.

    Good luck! :)

  19. HA! I dvr'd Martha Stewert doing it once on her show just so I could practice. STILL couldn't do it! Hope to see you at Parents Palooza!

  20. Not "good" at it, but good enough! LOL! I take the rounded sides and over lap them and then take those sides and fold them together again... then I just fold it best I can at that point. Not perfect, but folded none the less. My mom used to try to get me to fold them like she does, but no way, I'm not that anal! LOL!

  21. Hi Noelle, I did see Martha Stewart, who was a guest on an Oprah show many years ago, show how to fold fitted sheets too. She made it look so easy but I'm unable to replicate it. Love your Aloha Friday picture... I wish I was there now. I saw you on Popsicles and Pigtails and thought I would say hi.

  22. Gee, is there a right way? Hmmm, I didn't know they were meant to be folded a right way. I guess the right way is not to get frustrated, and fold the best you can into a little square, and the trick is to fold the top sheet into a square nice & neat, but not to small and put it on top of the fitted sheet then fold the pillow cases very neat, and put the fitted sheet & pillow cases ON TOP OF THE FREAKIN' FITTED SHEET TO HIDE THE MESS YOU MADE OF FOLDING IT! ROFL.... Have a great weekend.

  23. Hi Noelle!

    After 30+ years of sheet folding, I can say I have found a way to fold the fitted sheets and be comfortable with it!

    I say alot has to do with your storage space and the space available to fold!


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